Strange Server Lags, and Player Freezes.

Hi , thanks for reading well the issue is:

The server Has low ping, and quite optimized however, every like minutes or so allot of player freezes, like if you are de-synced then it goes back to normal and that is the same with commands , lags allot when around 40 players IG, right specs:


2v Cores
2GB Ram
Bandwidth: 100mpbs ( So no issue there)
OS : Debian 7 Weezy

Server Ping : around 35 - 41

Average Players 40..
Server info ( not putting ip, not advertising.) :

Players: 32 / 150
Ping: 35

Hosted in FR, by OVH.
Ok Gm Specs:

0.3z RC3
//#                            IncludeS                                       #
#include <a_samp> //
#include <fixes> //
#include <svCheats>
#include <zcmd> // 
#include <dprops>
#include <random>//
#include <EvoVehicle> // 
#include <YSI\y_timers> //
#include <YSI\y_ini>// 
#include <streamer> // 
#include <foreach>// 
#include <sscanf2> // 
#include <mSelection> // 
#include <gl_common>//
#include <flood>// 
#include <lethaldudb2>//
#include <Dini>// 
#include <geolocation> //
#include <CameraMover> //
Plugins, sscanf(latest) , Whirlpool, streamer.

Ok File reading and saving we use Y-ini so player files are ini files simple and neat.
Dini Was the old saving system so all converted to Y_ini, that is ther easons till there for old account to be converted by lethaldubb2..

I have gone through massive decreasing sting sizes, reducing timers, mappings, loading and savings..

To be honest done all that can be done by the book, however the issue is still there..

Right so ideas on this guys ? Please , they are much appreciated.

It could be probably a DDoS, or something with OnPlayerConnect callback, did you check logs for any server attacks? Look at the callback, is there something strange with the warning?

Bad VPS node?

Try to see if you get the same problem on another host, alternatively host it on your network.

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