how can i creat object non-breakable ? -.-

Ok, so i have an dyamic mysql ATM system... the problem is:

- The player is able to destroy the object (with guns or vehicle) and the object will destroy.... but the text3d remain

how can i give infinite hp to an object , or make him non-breakable?

If you mean ATM Objects, Then you can't, In my server I have the same issues.

Use another objects around it to solid it. Tested and works fine for my system.

Use invisble Objects around it.


What also may work (for guns at least) is detecting when those objects get shot in OnPlayerWeaponShot (BULLET_HIT_TYPE_OBJECT, with hitid being objectid), then quickly destroying them and recreating them. Perhaps punish player accordingly.

I think you have to set the object like if someoone maybe destroyed it then in 1 sec it will again teleport over there.

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