Dice command

Please help me create a command like /dice (player ID) (amount of money)
For example /dice 2 30000
ID 2 will have this message: "Deadly_Evil challenged you to dice for $30000. /roll to dice and /no to decline."
If you do /roll you will dice for $30000 Then a ClientMessage comes: "Deadly_Evil diced 4 and guy with id 2 diced 3 so Deadly_Evil won $30000 ! ".

if you do /no then nothing.

Is this really possible?
If its please tell me how i can make one (or make one for me please)

These help you:
+Rep if helps
PS: Sorry for late responce

  • It requires sscanf2 and y_commands.
  • Dice numbers can be from 1 to 6 and can not be the same.
  • When player invites someone to dice, dialog shows up to invited player, so it is more likely that invited player will respond faster than using /yes & /no commands.
I hope it will help you.

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