Compiler Crash

Hey guys, I've downloaded the official release from WC:RP's site, checking things out. The 3.4 version seems to crash the compiler. I was curious if anyone else has encountered this. I've been studying up on released scripts trying to learn some new ways of doing things and compare. I've not made any changes whatsoever to the original downloaded files.

Hmm well if you can help me out, ill give you feedback on what i get. I set up a mysql database for the files, but i dont know where or how to upload them. Please help!

Originally Posted by TheKillZone
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Hmm well if you can help me out, ill give you feedback on what i get. I set up a mysql database for the files, but i dont know where or how to upload them. Please help!
You'll need to contact your hosting provider for details on that. I host servers for people as I have 3 dedicated boxes in Dallas, TX, so it's no problem for me.

But can we keep this on topic, please?

I've checked for missing brackets....none. Everything checks.

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