I have streamer, but this...

I am trying to set up a SA-MP server and when I try to start it I get this problem Pastebin Link even though I have streamer it's messed up.

Should we guess your code or? Post it here, man.

http://pastebin.com/XrG1ti2r <--- This? because it is highlighted in the post. I'm using the newest form of raven's

It's an older version of streamer from what I see, just update it.

Should I remove the old one?

Just replace the include file with the updated version.

Go into the folder named 'include' and replace the streamer include there with the newest version of the streamer include. Then go into the pawno folder and there should be an include folder there too, replace the streamer include there with the new one. Then go to the plugins folder and replace that streamer plugin with the newest one (you need to download it), then go to pawno and open up the GM, and compile it again after you did all of that. Then it should work.


Did you compile the GM, with the latest includes of samp?
If no you should do that first.
Next thing, is to update your streamer plugin, make sure you use streamer.so for linux and streamer.dll for windows.

If that all didn't work out for you,
Try this plugin and go into the logs what it says

I hope this helped you out a little.

Good luck

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