Rak Samp Client 0.3z question

How to connect more names like Afi , Joe, LoL with one program (rak samp client ) opened ?
<!-- Avalable runmodes:
4 = RCON mode, 1 = Bare mode (?? ???????????), 2 = Still mode (???????? ? ????????? ???????????), 3 = Normal mode (???????? ? ?????????), 
4 = ??????? ?? ???????, 5 = ??????? ?? ???????????, 6 = Mode for playing routes -->
<RakSAMPClient console="0" runmode="5" autorun="0" find="1" select_classid="1" rejoin_delay="0" 
	logging_in_file="1" chat_logging="1" print_timestamps="0" chatcolor_rgb="0 0 130" clientmsg_rgb="0 130 0" 
	followplayer="BogDyZEW" followplayerwithvehicleid="295" followXOffset="1.0" followYOffset="0.0" followZOffset="0.0" imitatechat="">
    <server nickname="Hamer" password="">xxx.xxx.xxx:7777</server>
    <normal_pos position="1301.7689,-1332.2402,35.6738" rotation="0.0" />
    <play_pos position="1301.7689,-1332.2402,35.6738" rotation="0.0" />
    <!-- ????????? ???????:
	exit, quit, fu, goto, imitate, menusel, players, reconnect, reload, 
	vdeath, vlist, setacc, sethp, setclass, setint, givemoney, sendmoney -->

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