How can I randomize this?

Hey guys I was just working on a ups job, and I wanted to know how I can randomize which set of checkpoints the script displays for the player. I didn't know if I could just switch it and then use cases or what. Any help would be nice.

CMD:getcargo(playerid, params[])
	if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 498)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Drive through the checkpoints in order to do the UPS job.");
That is the command so far (I have all of the checkpoints too, I just didn't add them because I want to know how to randomize them).

Assuming you already linked the checkpoints to each other, use switch.

pawn Код:
   case 0: SetPlayerCP(etc...
   case 1: SetPlayerCP(etc...
   case 2: SetPlayerCP(etc...
   case 3: SetPlayerCP(etc...
   case 4: SetPlayerCP(etc...
You get the point.

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