I need some suggeritions..

Hello everyone, I have just started developing a new community of samp with a site, mumble/ts3 server, forum and much more!

I'm here to ask for your opinion, of you guys who play sa-mp.

What type of gamemode would you suggest me, with what features?

I have many ideas for the server, and I already have a development team.

All I need is your opinion..

I know there are already many topics like this, but this community will become big, I'm pretty sure about that.

Sorry me for my lousy English..

I would suggest you to start with a basic Stunt or RP or DM/TDM. You choose, those 3/4 types are the most played.

Roleplay server , Most played gamemode!
Another suggestion , Prison Roleplay gamemode


I would suggest you TDM or Stunts/Racing/Parkour GameModes. Opening rp servers nowadays wont give you much players. Its better if your server contains multiple GameModes.


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