Run Time Error 20


I've gotten the LuxAdmin Filterscript and switched the OnFilterScriptInit to OnGameModeInit etc.. It compiles without any errors but when i start it, It gives me this error in the server log:

[16:02:49]                    L.A.S v1.6 Beta                         
[16:02:49]                  ---------------
[16:02:49]              LuX Administration System               
[16:02:49]  ___________________________________________________

[16:02:49]  -> Loading...
 -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[16:02:49]  -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations:

[16:02:49]  AutoLogin:    [Enabled!]  ReadCmds:  [Enabled!]
[16:02:49]  AntiSwear:    [Disabled]  AntiSpam:  [Enabled!]
[16:02:49]  NameKick:     [Enabled!]  AntiBot:   [Enabled!]
[16:02:49]  ConnectMsgs:  [Enabled!]  NoCaps:    [Disabled]
[16:02:49]  AdminCmdMsgs: [Enabled!]  Anti Ads:  [Enabled!]
[16:02:49]  SaveMoney:    [Enabled!]  MustLogin  [Enabled!]
[16:02:49]  Forbid Weaps: [Disabled]  AdmSkins:  [Disabled]
[16:02:49]  ReadPms:      [Enabled!]  MaxLevel:  [10]
[16:02:49]  SaveWeaps     [Enabled!]  Max Ping:  [0ms]
[16:02:49]  ChatDisabled: [Disabled]  MuteWarns: [4]
[16:02:49]  MustRegister: [Enabled!]  AdmSkins   [217, 214]

[16:02:49]  -> Loaded Successfully!

[16:02:49]  Date: 20/6/2014 - Time: 16:2:49
[16:02:49]  ___________________________________________________

[16:02:49] Script[gamemodes/WU-RP.amx]: Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)"
[16:02:49] Number of vehicle models: 0

Add this above OnGameModeInit():
pawn Код:
main() return 1;
Click this link for future reference: http://*******/WFu1Z5

You are missing some plugins.

Originally Posted by Dziugsas
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You are missing some plugins.
That's sometimes the case when it's RunTime error 19. This RunTime error 20. I think the values 19 and 20 are swapped in your brain 111!!ONEONE

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