Please help, wont let me upload plugins

Im using smarbyteshosting (formerly known as KingJ servers), and i never used this host for a server before and till now i find it extremely annoying to be honest. But the main question is, if anybody uses this host, can you please tell me if there is an actual server console or not? And if yes then where?

You should contact SmartBytes Hosting, as it is caused by their server configuration.

They dont let you manually upload plugins. Do it via the 'game mods' section of your server dashboard. If the plugin that you want isn't there. Open a support ticket with a link to the plugin, and see if they'll do it that way for you.

Thank you for the help, i downloaded them but the server's script wont work, due to a a plugin or something, but the thing is, with this host, i don't see a server console or anything, so i cant see what's going wrong.


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