DIalog not showing up

hey guys im having a weird thing going on i made this command but these are not showing up cant guess why

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0)
		new params[128];
		GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Before you can play, you must register!",4000,3);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID0+1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Password", params, "OK", "Cancel");
		SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
		return 1;
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn])
		new params[128];
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID0+2, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"You Must Enter Your Password Below", params, "OK", "Cancel");
		SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
		return 1;
but that first game text is comming that you must register no matter if person is registred please help me

You can't just leave the info[] parameter of your ShowPlayerDialog blank.

Replace your code with this one -

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0)
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Before you can play, you must register!",4000,3);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 22, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Password", "Please Register in order to play on this server", "OK", "Cancel");
        SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
        return 1;

    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 1)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 23, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Login", "You must enter your password below to continue.", "OK", "Cancel");
        SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
        return 1;

man but it is even showing me register when i am registred even register one is doing nothing its just a dialog

wait it is working i didnt noticed that u put id 22 and 23 whicle i was using dialogid0+1 and dialogid0+2 but if im registred it is showing me register dialog not login .../

pls anyone

Are you actually using y_ini/mysql or anyother saving system?
If not,no wonder why it keeps prompting the register dialog.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] != 1)
		new params[128];
		GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~r~Before you can play, you must register!",4000,3);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID0+1, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Password", params, "OK", "Cancel");
		SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
		return 1;
		new params[128];
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOGID0+2, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"You Must Enter Your Password Below", params, "OK", "Cancel");
		SetTimerEx("DelayKillPlayer", 2500,0,"d",playerid);
		return 1;

Change your dialog line to,

pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"Password", "Please Register in order to play on this server", "OK", "Cancel");
Then try.

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