Client Not Displaying Many Things

So basically i updated my computer yesterday because it was one of those mandatory updates and i tried to hop on SA-MP today and this is all i get

I tried pressing F6 or F7 which ever to see if the chat-box is hiding but it's not there at all in any server, When i try to log in to a server the dialog input for passwords is invisible so you cant see it at all. Not sure what is wrong but i need help. The only bar the displays is a In-Game created bar and the HP and Armor is no there either.

Try restoring to before the update using System Restore? Then, just turn off automatic windows updating. I had an issue where windows just crashed when I logged into my user, but I restored to an earlier point & turned off the auto-updating, and it works fine now.

I have the exact same problem. The login box is invincible but i can still type my password but can't see it, I can even spawn in but theres no spawn button but it works if you press tab. Theres no map or health bar or anything for me neither. It doesn't even tell me im connecting or disconnecting and the chat is gone. SINGLE PLAYER WORKS FINE!

Example of my login box on the server.

Have you tried re-installing SAMP?

Re-install samp or gta

The chat and dialog boxes are drawn using DirectX, so try and update that. I'm not sure what the problem is with the HUD. Did you check in the options that they are enabled?

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