Making a Roleplay Gamemode

Hello everyone,

I've been wanting to make a Roleplay gamemode for sometime now. I've looked on the forums and at the tutorials but all of them are all out of date.

What would one of you recommend I should do to make a Basic Roleplay script? (Please don't say "learn how to script") I already know that

What is the exact question right here ?

I want to create a Roleplay gamemode and I need help to start. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction?

Sure thing, bro.

I think you must start with saving systems, you need to learn either y_ini or mysql for proper saving systems. I would recommend mysql over y_ini for faster processing. After learning it, I would recommend you to go on with ShowPlayerDialogs and OnDialogResponses as RP servers most likely use too much dialogs to look better. Also you can go over formats such as

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has joined the server !",string);
return 1;
This is very basic usage of format, string[128] means our text will be maximum 128 bit, GetPlayerName gets the player's name who connects and format formats our text. SendClientMessageToAll sends message to everybody who plays in your server, -1 is white as long as I remember.

That's all I can tell for now, feel free to PM me whenever you are stuck, good luck !

I'm reading the PAWN guide in your signature and I was able to get a server started up and a blank script running. Thanks a lot man!!

Not a problem dude, I am happy if it helped you. That is why I created a tutorial I will make its 2 but I am way too lazy and scripting 3 gamemodes so a bit busy too :P PM me when you need help

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