Moving Object

my codes:
public go()
     // ferry
    MoveObject(ferry,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry1,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry2,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry3,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry4,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry5,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    MoveObject(ferry6,4352.35547, -1945.35327, -11.71894,20.0);
    ferry = CreateObject(10771, 3058.71655, -1963.72046, -1.40431,   0.00000, 0.00000, 359.59393);
    ferry1 = CreateObject(4594, 3065.78198, -1965.16016, -11.98790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.08380);
    ferry2 = CreateObject(4594, 3094.81348, -1965.23743, -11.98790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.08380);
    ferry3 = CreateObject(4594, 3107.49756, -1965.39148, -11.98790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.08380);
    ferry4 = CreateObject(4594, 3021.63892, -1959.92749, -11.98790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.08380);
    ferry5 = CreateObject(4594, 2986.89233, -1963.24744, -11.98790,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.08380);
    ferry6 = CreateObject(10829, 3089.99243, -1972.74109, 10.05458,   0.00000, 0.00000, 269.29483);
    SendClientMessageToAll(-1,"ferry is going to island");
	return 1;
there is a bug... I can't see the objects / sendclientmessage in the server.

Also i want something like this: this ferry will go after staying 2 mins... and it should go slow... and it will come back after 2 mins.

and the codes:
forward go();
new ferry,ferry1,ferry2,ferry3,ferry4,ferry5,ferry6;

Anyone help me?..

1. You have to create object first and then move objects
2. You don't run go() callback - its never called. You have to call it somewhere

Also i want something like this: this ferry will go after staying 2 mins... and it should go slow... and it will come back after 2 mins.

Anyone help? How to make it slower and how to make something like : it will come back after 2mins?

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