What's the difference between Monitored and Hosted ?

Can somebody tell me ?

Hosted-.. It's just hosted by someone.
Monitored means someone or something keeps track of your server, and makes sure it's online when it should be online. See it as an employee looking after multiple servers, fixing those which are not working.

Originally Posted by SaltySandy
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Hosted-.. It's just hosted by someone.
Monitored means someone or something keeps track of your server, and makes sure it's online when it should be online. See it as an employee looking after multiple servers, fixing those which are not working.
if the server is not monitored, is that mean it's not online ?

Originally Posted by AnonScripter
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if the server is not monitored, is that mean it's not online ?
SACNR Monitor crawls the SA-MP Internet and Hosted list to see which servers are online and can be publicly accessed. This means the server is online and port-forwarded properly to appear on the monitor. The monitor has no impact on keeping the server online though.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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SACNR Monitor crawls the SA-MP Internet and Hosted list to see which servers are online and can be publicly accessed. This means the server is online and port-forwarded properly to appear on the monitor. The monitor has no impact on keeping the server online though.
SACNR says that my server is not monitored and not hosted, is this mean my server online ?

Originally Posted by AnonScripter
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SACNR says that my server is not monitored and not hosted, is this mean my server online ?
Possibly, make sure your query variable in your server.cfg is not set to 0 (this prevents your server from appearing in the Internet list).

If you use the connection checker and it returns the name and amount of players, it's online, but not being monitored, probably because the query is disabled.

In context of sa-mp server query, monitoring is the process of keeping track of your server statistics.

Originally Posted by Meyokie
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The disadvantages of hosted, is you need to spend a lot of money just to run your server 24/7
there are some free websites to host your server.

Originally Posted by Meyokie
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For me, the Monitored server is well secured as you just can look on your pc at any time just to make sure that there's no hacker's going to hack your server
sacnr.com says that my server is not monitored, what's that mean ?

I believe in this context by "hosted" it means that it isn't on the hosted tab list, which is a list that you pay money to be on. You do not need to worry about this. If you habe read the SACNR Monitor help page then contact their support for help, you will get more help there.

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