[Ajuda] Mudar texto de posiзгo

Galera Estou Tentando Mudar O Texto de posiзгo e tamanho mas nгo estou achando a pata, esse texto й quando o playr vai escolhe a classe, alguem poderia me ajudar.

pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 6)

Muda lб o TXT_ClassTrucker no OnGameModeInit

Originally Posted by BobbMarley
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Muda lб o TXT_ClassTrucker no OnGameModeInit
em OnGameModeInit nao tem TXT_ClassTrucker

Pesquise pelo mesmo em seu GM

Originally Posted by BobbMarley
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Pesquise pelo mesmo em seu GM
Sу Tem Isso,
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 6)

manda o codigo inteiro

pawn Код:
switch (classid)
        case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: // Classes that will be truckdrivers
            // Display the name of the class
            SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1542.803955, -2774.870849, 48.410972);
            SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 212.617797);
            SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, -1542.803955, -2774.870849, 48.410972);
            SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, -1542.803955 + (5 * floatsin(-212.617797, degrees)), -2774.870849 + (5 * floatcos(-212.617797, degrees)), 48.410972);
            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 6);
            ApplyAnimation(playerid, "DANCING", "dnce_M_d", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            // Store the class for the player (truckdriver)
            APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassTruckDriver;
            if (APlayerData[playerid][WeaponLicense] == 1)
                for (new i; i < 12; i++)
                GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, APoliceWeapons[i], PoliceWeaponsAmmo);


Seria isso Aqui ?

pawn Код:
new Text:Textdraw1
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
Textdraw1 = TextDrawCreate(244.888793, 347.448760, "CAMINHONEIRO");
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw1, 0.495777, 2.038043);
TextDrawAlignment(Textdraw1, 1);
TextDrawColor(Textdraw1, -1);
TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw1, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw1, -1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw1, 255);
TextDrawFont(Textdraw1, 2);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw1, 1);
e a onde esta:
pawn Код:
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 6);
troque por:
pawn Код:
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw1, string);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
TextDrawShowHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw1);

preguiзa, procura isso:
pawn Код:
// Class related
#define TXT_ClassTrucker "Caminhoneiro" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = trucker)
#define TXT_ClassBusDriver "Motorista de onibus" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = bus-driver)
#define TXT_ClassPilot "Piloto" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = pilot)
#define TXT_ClassPolice "Policial" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = police)
#define TXT_ClassMafia "Mafia" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = mafia)
#define TXT_ClassCourier "Correios" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = courier)
#define TXT_ClassAssistance "Mecanico" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = assistance)
#define TXT_ClassRoadWorker "Operario de DNIT" // Define the game-text that shows when the player is choosing classes (this on‌e = roadworker)
na include PPC_DefTexts

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