19.05.2014, 11:41
I got problem in my fire script. The fire didn't go away when the fire health is 0. This is my code
#define MAX_FIRES 10 // max amout of fires able to exist at once #define BURNING_RADIUS 1.2 // radius in which you start burning if you're too close to a fire #define FIRE_RADIUS_FOOT 8.0 // radius in which you can extinguish the fire by foot #define CAR_RADIUS 12.0 // radius in which you can extinguish the fire by firetruck/SWAT Van #define Z_DIFFERENCE 2.5 // height which is used for technical accurancy of extinguishing. Please do not change #define FIRE_OBJECT_SLOT 1 // the slot used with SetPlayerAttachedObject and RemovePlayerAttachedObject forward CreateFire(slot, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); forward CreateSmoke(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); forward DestroyFire(id); forward DestroySmoke(id); forward RemoveSmokeFromFire(id); forward BurnoutTimer(fireid); new FireBurnout[MAX_FIRES]; forward PutOutFire(fireid, type); new ExtinguishFire[MAX_FIRES]; new FireFinal[MAX_FIRES]; forward FireContained(fireid); forward RandomLAFireTimer(); forward RandomCCFireTimer(); forward BurningTimer(playerid); forward TogglePlayerBurning(playerid, burning); enum FireInfo { Fire_id, Fire_Exists, Float:Fire_X, Float:Fire_Y, Float:Fire_Z, Smoke[5], Fire_Taken, Fire_Zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME] } new Fire[MAX_FIRES][FireInfo]; new PlayerFireTimer[MAX_PLAYERS][3]; // Burn, StopBurn, Extinguish a fire new Float:PlayerOnFireHP[MAX_PLAYERS]; new FireHealth[MAX_FIRES]; // LAFD Fire Locations forward StartRandomFire(randomloc); forward GetNextFire(); new Float:RandomFire_X; new Float:RandomFire_Y; new Float:RandomFire_Z; new RandomFireLocation[256]; new ActiveFires; new FireObjects[MAX_FIRES][4]; new Float:RandomFireSpawns[][3] = { {1567.887,-1894.786,13.632}, // 1: Metropolitan ave building automatic firealarm Vestols house {1447.816,-2289.690,13.622}, // 2: LAX Terminal Entrance Hindenburg N {2283.268,-1702.766,17.772}, // 3: Gym Parking lot fire, Liverpool rd {2307.164,-1642.985,14.652}, // 4: Ten Green Bottles Kennedy Vld and Grove {862.530,-1252.124,14.892},// 5: Stage A Fire Liberty Ave and Rodeo Dr {2782.219,-1814.517,11.745},// 6: Forum Arena Main Entrance off of 425 {2371.641,-2134.402,27.260},// 7: Oil tank fire accross from trucking depotw Atlantic Avenu {2397.253,-1898.087,13.622},// 8: Clukinbell Atlantic Ave {1413.382,-1699.106,13.612},// 9: LA Courthouse {1337.640,-1090.549,26.729},// 10: Lawyers office stlarwrence blvd {1173.541,-1307.865,14.071},// 11: Allsaints front entrance {1940.535,-1172.337,20.668},// 12: Park Fire brush park north and green st {1518.149,-1451.034,13.800},// 13: Residential Obey Hangout Central Ave and pasadena {1351.162,-1756.498,13.497},// 14: Sandreas Blvd Near Courthouse 247 comercial alarm {1940.8149,-1773.1541,19.5250}, // 15: Gas Station Fire, San Andreas Blvd. and Gates. {2852.2368,-1357.7797,11.0625}, // 16: Building Fire, Santa Monica Blvd. and Bush St. {1460.0709,-1009.9266,26.8438}, // 17: Building Fire, Sunset Blvd. near ELM, LA Bank. {813.6826,-1456.7595,14.2284}, // 18: House Fire, Giggles and Hell Street. {1034.7396,-813.1819,101.8516}, // 19: House Fire, Rich St. Near VGB Circle Dr. {-2100.77,-2337.32,29.98}, // 20: J&J's Restaurant Angel Pine {-2153.8689,-2461.4744,30.8516},// 21: Cluck N Bell, Angel Pine {-2094.28,-2463.16,29.98}, // 22: Cluck N Bell, Angel Pine {-2104.64,-2432.15,29.98}, // 23: Phat Liquors, Angel Pine {2001.1978,1540.5249,13.2319}, // 24: LV Pirate Ship {1892.1227,2408.5327,10.8254}, // 25: LV North Souvenir Shop {2471.9177,2036.7567,10.4692}, // 26: Burger shot @ Gere St {2864.4194,2429.9978,10.6796}, // 27: Stripmall East LV {2543.7000,1022.3932,10.4663}, // 28: Thomas St Strip Club {2698.1152,900.7314,10.0080}, // 29: Franklin / Thomas Construction Site {2825.4768,970.1545,10.3974}, // 30: East LV Franklin St Truck Dock {767.7085,1890.9637,4.7346}, // 31: Transition / Thorn St Ammunation West LV {763.5473,2033.9827,6.3581} // 32: West LV Power Substation }; new RandomFireLocationNames[][] = { "Metropolitan Ave and Pine St.",//1// "LAX Terminal, Front Entrance, Hindenburg North.",//2// "Gym Roof, Liverpool Rd.",//3// "Ten Greenbottles, Grove St.",//4// "Stage A, Liberty Ave and Rodeo Dr.",//5// "Forum Arena, Main Entrance, off of I425.",//6// "Oil Refinery, Atlantic Ave, just south of Industrial Blvd.",//7// Explosive "Cluckin' Bell, Atlantic Avenue.",//8// "Front Entrance, LA County Courthouse.",//9// "Lawyer Firm, St Lawrence Blvd.",//10// Explosive "All Saints, Front Bay, Health St and St Mary.",//11 "City Park, Park North and Green St.",//12// "Obey Residence, Central Ave and Pasadena Blvd.",//13// "24/7 San Andrea Blvd Near the Courthouse.",//14// "San Andreas Blvd. and Gates.",//15// Explosive "Santa Monica Blvd. and Bush St.",//16// "Sunset Blvd. near ELM, LA Bank.",//17// "Giggles and Hell Street.",//18// "Rich St. Near VGB Circle Dr.",//19// "J&J's Restaurant, Angel Pine",//20// "Cluck N Bell, Angel Pine",//21// "Ammu-Nation, Angel Pine",//22// "Liquor Store, Angel Pine",//23// "Las Vegas Blvd / Belview St, at the pirate ship.",//24// Explosive "Jones St. Souvenir shop.",//25// "Gere St. Burger Shot.",//26// "Mint St. East LV at the Strip Mall.",//27// Explosive "Thomas St. at the Strip Club.",//28// "Franklin / Thomas St, at the Construction site.",//29// "Franklin St. East LV at the Truck Dock.",//30// Explosive "Transition / Thorn St. West LV.",//31// Explosive "County Rd. 207 / Transition St. West LV."//32// };
// Fire Publics public GetNextFire() { for(new i=0; i<MAX_FIRES; i++) { if(Fire[i][Fire_Exists] == 0) return i; } return MAX_FIRES-1; } public CreateFire(slot, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) { Fire[slot][Fire_X] = x; Fire[slot][Fire_Y] = y; Fire[slot][Fire_Z] = z - Z_DIFFERENCE; CreateDynamicObject(18691, Fire[slot][Fire_X], Fire[slot][Fire_Y], Fire[slot][Fire_Z], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } public DestroyFire(id) { DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[id][0]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[id][1]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[id][2]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[id][3]); Fire[id][Fire_Exists] = 0; Fire[id][Fire_X] = 0.0; Fire[id][Fire_Y] = 0.0; Fire[id][Fire_Z] = 0.0; Fire[id][Fire_Zone] = MAX_ZONE_NAME; FireHealth[id] = 0; ActiveFires --; RemoveSmokeFromFire(id); } public CreateSmoke(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) { return CreateDynamicObject(18726, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } public DestroySmoke(id) { DestroyDynamicObject(id); } // Destroys extinguishing-smoke public RemoveSmokeFromFire(id) { for(new i; i < 5; i++) { DestroyDynamicObject(Fire[id][Smoke][i]); Fire[id][Smoke][i] = -1; } } public FireContained(fireid) { new string[128]; DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[fireid][0]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[fireid][1]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[fireid][2]); DestroyDynamicObject(FireObjects[fireid][3]); Fire[fireid][Fire_Exists] = 0; format(string, sizeof(string), "FIRE COMM DISPATCH: The fire located at %s has been successfully contained.", Fire[fireid][Fire_Zone]); SendDispatchMessage(string); Fire[fireid][Fire_X] = 0.0; Fire[fireid][Fire_Y] = 0.0; Fire[fireid][Fire_Z] = 0.0; Fire[fireid][Fire_Zone] = MAX_ZONE_NAME; FireHealth[fireid] = 0; ActiveFires --; RemoveSmokeFromFire(fireid); return 1; }
public RandomLAFireTimer() { if(ActiveFires < MAX_FIRES) { if(CheckLAFireMembers() < 1) { SetTimer("RandomLAFireTimer", 950000, false); } if(5> CheckLAFireMembers() > 1) { new randloc = random(23); StartRandomFire(randloc); SetTimer("RandomLAFireTimer", 950000, false); } if(9> CheckLAFireMembers() > 4) { new randloc = random(23); StartRandomFire(randloc); SetTimer("RandomLAFireTimer", 900000, false); } if(CheckLAFireMembers() > 8) { new randloc = random(23); StartRandomFire(randloc); SetTimer("RandomLAFireTimer", 700000, false); } } } public StartRandomFire(randomloc) { new string[512], zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME]; new RAND = randomloc; RandomFire_X = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][0]; RandomFire_Y = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][1]; RandomFire_Z = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][2]; new fireslot = GetNextFire(); format(RandomFireLocation, 256, "%s", RandomFireLocationNames[RAND]); FireBurnout[fireslot] = SetTimerEx("BurnoutTimer",300000,0, "i", fireslot); Fire[fireslot][Fire_Exists] = 1; Fire[fireslot][Fire_id] = fireslot; ActiveFires ++; Fire[fireslot][Fire_X] = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][0]; Fire[fireslot][Fire_Y] = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][1]; Fire[fireslot][Fire_Z] = RandomFireSpawns[RAND][2]; FireObjects[fireslot][0] = CreateFire(fireslot, RandomFire_X, RandomFire_Y, RandomFire_Z); FireObjects[fireslot][1] = CreateFire(fireslot, RandomFire_X+random(3),RandomFire_Y+random(3),RandomFire_Z+random(2)); FireObjects[fireslot][2] = CreateFire(fireslot, RandomFire_X-random(3),RandomFire_Y-random(3),RandomFire_Z-random(2)); FireObjects[fireslot][3] = CreateFire(fireslot, RandomFire_X+random(3),RandomFire_Y-random(3),RandomFire_Z+random(1)); Get3DZone(RandomFire_X, RandomFire_Y, RandomFire_Z, zone, sizeof(zone)); Fire[fireslot][Fire_Zone] = zone; FireHealth[fireslot] = 100; format(string, sizeof(string), "Fire Health: \n %d /100", FireHealth[fireslot]); FireHealthText[fireslot] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string, COLOR_WHITE, RandomFire_X, RandomFire_Y, RandomFire_Z, 20); foreach(Player, i) { if(IsPlayerInCircle(i,RandomFire_X,RandomFire_Y,70)) { format(string, sizeof(string), "(INFO) A fire has erupted in the vicinity."); SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_YELLOW,string); } if((PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 4 && RAND < 24)) { new szMessage[256]; new Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:z2; GetPlayerPos(i,x2,y2,z2); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "http://fg-rp.com/sounds/beep.mp3"); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "* %s's pager just activated, you hear the sound.", GetPlayerNameEx(i)); ProxDetector(25.0, i, szMessage, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); if((IsPlayerInCircle(i, 1761.3842,-1783.0110, 15)) || (IsPlayerInCircle(i, 1760.6700,2082.7996, 15))) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "http://fg-rp.com/sounds/beep.mp3"); } } if((PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == 17 && RAND > 23)) { new szMessage[256]; new Float:x2,Float:y2,Float:z2; GetPlayerPos(i,x2,y2,z2); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "http://fg-rp.com/sounds/beep.mp3"); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "* %s's pager just activated, you hear the sound.", GetPlayerNameEx(i)); ProxDetector(25.0, i, szMessage, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); if((IsPlayerInCircle(i, 1761.3842,-1783.0110, 15)) || (IsPlayerInCircle(i, 1760.6700,2082.7996, 15))) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "http://fg-rp.com/sounds/beep.mp3"); } } }