Virtual World? Fully Explain Please!

I am trying to figure out what virtual world is please can some tell me about it with examples

Virtual worlds are a special feature in SA-MP, where a player can be separated against other players by putting him in another world. A player in a different world may not see checkpoints, players or even vehicles, which helps create PAWN scripts like house or business systems by assigning each house a different world.
Consider a situation, where we want races for 10 players, but the race must be only between two people and that too, on the same track. This would be accomplished by setting the virtual worlds of the first two players as same, the second pair of players as different, etc. This would make the contestants see each other but they would not see any other players.
Player 1 and Player 2 in virtual world 555.
Player 3 and Player 4 in virtual world 556.
Limit : 0-2,147,483,647


nvm ^^

brandon is your server working or still prob
thanks ritik +Rep

Another thing for example if i go in bank my vw is 555 in ls and if another player goes in lv bank wer vw is 666 then will we be able to see each other?

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