10.05.2014, 17:40
Crash Detect:
pawn Код:
[18:52:12] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[18:52:12] [debug] Accessing element at negative index -1
[18:52:12] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:52:12] [debug] #0 0000b4a4 in ?? (0xffffffff) from sicilian.amx
[18:52:12] [debug] #1 00017664 in public cmd_ahouse (0x00000000, 0x0010a270) from sicilian.amx
[18:52:12] [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () [00472ef0] from samp-server.exe
[18:52:12] [debug] #3 000005b4 in public OnPlayerCommandText (0x00000000, 0x0010a234) from sicilian.amx
pawn Код:
COMMAND:house(playerid, params[]) // For owners of house
new tmp[ 15 ], tmp2[ 15 ], tmp3[ 128 ];
if(sscanf(params, "szz", tmp, tmp2, tmp3)) return SCP(playerid, "[ buy / sell / lock / rentprice / locker / dupekey / furniture]");
new houseId = P_TEMP[playerid][tmphouse];
if(!strcmp(tmp, "buy", true, 3))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
if(House[houseId][sellprice] < 1) return SendClientError(playerid, "This house is not on sale");
new PlayerCash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
if(PlayerCash >= House[houseId][sellprice])
P_INFO[playerid][PMoney] -=House[houseId][sellprice];
SendClientInfo(playerid, "You have purchased this house. Congradulations.");
new pname[50];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "Houses/HouseID-%d.ini", houseId);
dini_Set(SmllStr, "owner", pname);
dini_IntSet(SmllStr, "sellprice", 0);
else return SendClientError(playerid, "You do not have enough cash to make a purchase");
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "sell", true, 4))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
new pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
if(strcmp(pname, House[houseId][owner], true)) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not the owner of this house");
new MaxPrice = strval(tmp2);
new warning[50];
format(warning, sizeof(warning), "A house can only be sold for $%d, please change amount.", MaxPriceAHouseCanBeSold);
if(MaxPrice < 0 || MaxPrice > MaxPriceAHouseCanBeSold) return SendClientWarning(playerid, warning);
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "Houses/HouseID-%d.ini", houseId);
dini_IntSet(SmllStr, "sellprice", MaxPrice);
new iStr[50];
format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "your house is now on sale for a price of $%s. (ID: %d)", Number_Format(MaxPrice), houseId);
SendClientInfo(playerid, iStr);
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "rentprice", true, 9))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
new pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
if(strcmp(pname, House[houseId][owner], true)) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not the owner of this house");
new Rent = strval(tmp2);
if(Rent >= 1500) return SendClientError(playerid, "Maximum rent of $1,500.");
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "Houses/HouseID-%d.ini", houseId);
dini_IntSet(SmllStr, "rentprice", Rent);
new iStr[50];
format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "your house is now rentable for a price of $%s. (ID: %d)", Number_Format(Rent), houseId);
SendClientInfo(playerid, iStr);
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "rentroom", true, 8))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
new Rent = House[houseId][rentprice], PlayerCash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
if(Rent == 0) return SendClientError(playerid, "This house is not rentable.");
if(PlayerCash < Rent) return SendClientError(playerid, "You do not have enough cash to rent here.");
P_INFO[playerid][houseID] = houseId;
new iStr[50], zone[128];
format(iStr, sizeof(iStr), "you are now renting at a house located in %s for a price of $%s. (ID: %d)", zone, Number_Format(Rent), houseId);
SendClientInfo(playerid, iStr);
P_INFO[playerid][PMoney] -=Rent;
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "locker", true, 6))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
if(House[houseId][closed] == 1)return SendClientError(playerid, "This house locked is currently closed.");
if(!strlen(tmp2) || IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SCP(playerid, "[take / store]");
else if(!strcmp(tmp2, "take", true, 4))
if(!strlen(tmp3) || !IsNumeric(tmp3) || strlen(tmp3) > 9) return SCP(playerid, "[amount]");
new Amount = strval(tmp3);
if(Amount > House[houseId][housecash]) return SendClientError(playerid, "Not enough inside the house.");
House[houseId][housecash] -= Amount;
P_INFO[playerid][PMoney] += Amount;
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "You have taken $%s from %d house locker.", Number_Format(Amount), houseId);
SendClientInfo(playerid, SmllStr);
else if(!strcmp(tmp2, "store", true, 5))
else return SCP(playerid, "[take / store]");
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "lock", true, 4))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
new pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
if(strcmp(pname, House[houseId][owner], true)) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not the owner of this house.");
if(House[houseId][closed] == 1)
House[houseId][closed] = 0;
SendClientInfo(playerid, "Opened, please note that anyone can enter your house and take cash.");
return 1;
House[houseId][closed] = 1;
SendClientInfo(playerid, "Closed, your house is secure.");
return 1;
else if(!strcmp(tmp, "dupekey", true, 7))
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid) == -1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You need to be outside a house to use this.");
if(IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid)) houseId = IsPlayerOutHouse(playerid);
new pname[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
if(strcmp(pname, House[houseId][owner], true)) return SendClientError(playerid, "You are not the owner of this house");
if(!strlen(tmp2) || IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SCP(playerid, "[take / set]");
else if(!strcmp(tmp2, "take", true, 4))
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "Houses/HouseID-%d.ini", houseId);
format(LrgStr, sizeof(LrgStr), "Dupekey has been taken from %s", NoUnderscore(dini_Get(SmllStr, "dupekey")));
SendClientInfo(playerid, LrgStr);
dini_Set(SmllStr, "dupekey", "None");
else if(!strcmp(tmp2, "set", true, 3))
if(!strlen(tmp3) || !IsNumeric(tmp3) || strlen(tmp3) > MAX_PLAYERS) return SCP(playerid, "[playerid]");
new playerID = strval(tmp3);
if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerID)) return SendClientError(playerid, PLAYER_NOT_FOUND);
GetPlayerName(playerID, pname, sizeof(pname));
format(SmllStr, sizeof(SmllStr), "Houses/HouseID-%d.ini", houseId);
dini_Set(SmllStr, "dupekey", pname);
else return SCP(playerid, "[take / set]");
else return SCP(playerid, "[ buy / sell / lock / rentprice / locker / dupekey ]");
return 1;