
Hello there, when someone register or login into my server, my server is lagging, am not sue that is a lag, i think it's something that freeze the server for 5 seconds, no one can talk on chat and you can see this AFK icon on all the players names. I don't know why this lag/freeze happens, well, here is what am getting from the server console when someone register/login.

[07:56:36] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[07:56:36] [debug]   Accessing element at index 999 past array upper bound 500
[07:56:36] [debug] Backtrace (most recent call first):
[07:56:36] [debug] #0  000653cc in OnPlayerStateChange () from RGRPc.amx

mind showing us your code from OnPlayerStateChange in the gamemode RGRPc.amx?

The run time error is caused at OnPlayerStateChange and it has nothing to do with the register/login system. For more information about it, you can get by compiling with -d3: https://github.com/Zeex/samp-plugin-...ith-debug-info

The lag can be caused by bad coding and slow systems for saving/loading data.

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