Set money not appearing on hud.

I have created a custom GivePlayerMoney to avoid money hackers and such, I'm using Y_INI to load/save my player's profiles. Here's the problem:

Whenever I go in game and set my money, the money is set in the player's file, but the GTA:SA hud is still showing 0. It is fixed when I relog though.

pawn Код:
stock SetRPGMoney(playerid, amount)
    pInfo[playerid][Money] = amount;
    return 1;
Anything I could do to make it appear on the hud without relogging?

You need to reset the money and give them back so it will update the money on the hud too.

pawn Код:
SetRPGMoney(playerid, amount)
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, (pInfo[playerid][Money] = amount));

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