PCP With Y_INI (using Ini with PHP)

I have made 99% of the PCP for my server. Server is based on Y_Ini save acc system. Well now i tried multiply ways for converting Y_INI to MySQL and almost nothing worked. So i want to ask you how to call and read stats from player.ini file in PHP?
thank you.

I have heard about this situation long time ago
But I'm not sure If the system worked good
Better search for how to convert Y_Ini to MySQL

Or let ****** to post so you will be sure
Press the Rep+ Button If I helped you, please


That is actuall problem. I have made the best solution for this with making one PHP file and a script with httpd include. But that thing sometime convert something or event nothing. I heard that it is possbile so i will se if ****** can help me with this.
Thank you Vladimir i appriciate you so i will give you rep+

This is only possible if you had your webhosting on the same VPS as your server. And there's tons of MySQL tutorials out there, Use the search function.

It is possible, might be a bit harder to set up but is defiantly possible as long as your have ftp access to your server.

PHP код:
$handle fopen("ftp://user:password@example.com/scriptfiles/users/username.ini""w"); 

I also belive this would work too http://us1.php.net/function.file-get-contents

One of them two would probably be your best bet

But i want to read some part of the Y_INI file for example: Level and define it into variable How can i make it?
Is there any way to just make script that will post user stats into table (Just write not read)

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