Help with GetPlayerCameraFrontVector

Hello guys.

I've started to make an AC-130 like script, where you can shoot from a plane. So i attached an object to a plane what is driven by an other player and i attached the camera to the object. I made the a code like this for shooting missiles:

			new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:camx, Float:camy, Float:camz;
		    GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, x, y, z);
		    GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, camx, camy, camz);

			gGunshipRocket = CreateObject(345, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 500.0);
			//SetObjectFaceCoords3D(gGunshipRocket, camx, camy, camz); // a 3rd party stock for changing the rocket's facing
			MoveObject(gGunshipRocket, camx, camy, camz, 50);
So my problem is that the rocket is flying to an exact position every time and not where i'm amining at.
Anybody can help?

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