Warning about speedo

(7350) : warning 219: local variable "VehicleStatus" shadows a variable at a preceding level
pawn Код:
public SpeedoMeterUp()
    new Float:PosX;
    new Float:PosY;
    new Float:PosZ;
    new Float:PlayerSpeedDistance;
    new value;
    new Float:VehHealth;
    new VehicleStatus[15];  //---< WARNING

    for(new i=0; i< MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(VehicleStatus[GetPlayerVehicleID(i)] == 1)
            VehicleStatus = "~r~Locked";
            VehicleStatus = "~g~Unlocked";
    if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
        GetPlayerPos(i, PosX, PosY, PosZ);
        GetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), VehHealth);
        PlayerSpeedDistance = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(PosX,ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadX])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(PosY,ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadY])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(PosZ,ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadZ])),2));
        value = floatround(PlayerSpeedDistance * 5000);
        new Zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME];
        GetPlayer2DZone(i, Zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
        if(SpeedoMeter[i] == 0)
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Box[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line1[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line2[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line3[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Line4[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Credits[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, mph[i]);
            TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Func[i]);
            SpeedoMeter[i] = 1;
            new MPH = floatround(value/1600);
            new KPH = floatround(value/1000);

            format(lstring,sizeof(lstring),"~b~Vehicle: ~w~%s~n~~b~Health: ~w~%.2f~n~~b~Altitude: ~w~%.1f~n~~b~Gps: ~w~%s~n~~b~Status: %s",VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i))-400],VehHealth,PosZ,Zone,VehicleStatus);
            TextDrawSetString(Func[i], lstring);

            format(lstr,sizeof(lstr),"%sMPH: ~w~%d  %sKM/H: ~w~%d",MPH_KPH_Color,MPH,MPH_KPH_Color,KPH);
            TextDrawSetString(mph[i], lstr);

        if(VehHealth <= 500)
            format(lstring,sizeof(lstring),"%sVehicle: ~w~%s~n~%sHealth: ~w~~r~%.2f~n~%sAltitude: ~w~%.1f~n~%sGps: ~w~%s",CategoriesColor,VehicleNames[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i))-400],CategoriesColor,VehHealth,CategoriesColor,PosZ,CategoriesColor,Zone);
            TextDrawSetString(Func[i], lstring);
        if(KPH >= VehicleMaxSpeed)
            UnFreeze = SetTimer("UnFreezeCar", 250, 1);
            format(lstr,sizeof(lstr),"~g~MPH: ~w~%d  ~g~KM/H: ~r~%d",MPH,KPH);
            TextDrawSetString(mph[i], lstr);

        ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadX] = PosX, ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadY] = PosY, ReadPlayerPosition[i][ReadZ] = PosZ;
    for(new i=0; i< MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Box[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line1[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line2[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line3[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Line4[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Credits[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, mph[i]);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, Func[i]);
            SpeedoMeter[i] = 0;
    return 1;

Originally Posted by vassilis
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(7350) : warning 219: local variable "VehicleStatus" shadows a variable at a preceding level
As you can see It's a warning, So It doesn't matter XD but let me try to solve it for you.

VehicleStatus is declared as global variable so change the name of that string and where it's used in SpeedoMeterUp.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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VehicleStatus is declared as global variable so change the name of that string and where it's used in SpeedoMeterUp.
He's right!, Try it

Ok thanks.

Originally Posted by Teemo
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As you can see It's a warning, So It doesn't matter XD
Yes, it does matter. Warnings indicate that something is syntactically correct, but quite possibly logically wrong. There are only a handful warnings that can be safely ignored. This isn't one of them.

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