MYSQL problem

I need private help, please. I am willing to give an reward to the person who fix it. The reward includes 2 Dollars via paypal. Please PM me for further information and if you want to help me. The problem is there when I attempt to upload my database, it's giving me the following error. Would be great, If you help me.
pawn Код:
DELIMITER ;; /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost``*/ /*!50003 FUNCTION `GetLockerItemName`(`type` int,`amount` int) RETURNS varchar(32) CHARSET latin1 BEGIN CASE type WHEN 0 THEN RETURN 'None'; WHEN 1 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Money', ' - $', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 2 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Pot', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 3 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Coke', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 4 THEN BEGIN DECLARE weapon SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE ammo SMALLINT DEFAULT 0; CALL DecodeWeapon(amount,weapon,ammo); RETURN CONCAT(GetWeaponName(weapon), ' - ', format(ammo, 0)); END; WHEN 5 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Meth', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 6 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Materials A', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 7 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Materials B', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 8 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Materials C', ' - ', format(amount, 0)); WHEN 9 THEN RETURN CONCAT('Special Item', ' - ', GetSpecialItemName(amount)); END CASE; END */;;[...]


This is not the error right? You are importing a function?
Show me the error you get out of this import.

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