Question about how SA-MP is made

I would like to know how is sa-mp made, like what programming languages were used in process of making it, how long did it take, did they use bit of reverse engineering, some detail explanation of process, et cetera.

Of course reverse engineering was used. Otherwise it wouldn't function at all. It's completed coded in C++ AFAIK. However, you can find this out just by searching.

Yeah, i did search, but could some experienced member / beta tester explain this to me in detail please.

Why not just look into other mods and the way they work?

The server and client are written in C++, the server browser is written in Delphi and it uses RakNet for networking. The majority of SA:MP is based on reverse engineering. Another considerable portion of the code is Assembly (ASM) because San Andreas is closed source and SA:MP needs to access low-level information in order to work. Nothing else is really known, you must be a very experienced coder to make SA:MP.

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