FractalHub Host

Can anyone help me with Fractal Hub.. i dont know how to host there
Please help me out... :/

1. Go to
2.Register there
3. go to and scroll down until you see "Game Server Section" or slide your mouse on the left side until the grey part will show up, Click Game Servers.. And there should say "You have no servers! :: Create one?" click on the "Create One" and you'd receive an Email with FTP informations like this
pawn Код:
Server Details

Dear GaasyW,
Thank you very much for your interest in a FractalHub free game server, please note that the dashboard and the service in its entirety is completely a beta and expect a lot of changes to come in the following months. Your server details are as follows:


Click here to manage your server.

As well as the dashboard, we also allow complete FTP access to your server, the details for that service are as follows:

FTP Host:

Username: GeasyW

Password: random letters

FTP Port: Xx
then Download FileZilla or any FTP Client software.. and upload your script.
How to use filezilla ?

Not to be rude but,please read :

SHIT! This thread again? If you got no common sense regarding hosting, why are you even starting a server than?

No offence, but you should use ****** search before posting. And also, they got live support. Why not ask from them?

As ****** said ask them instead of here .

Don't post this here, we did just add a notice on the dashboard telling you not to. But nonetheless check out the responses above..

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