27.04.2014, 04:01
Hi there good day!
I just want to ask here on forums how can i make a another toy list and only vip can use it. and there should be no cost.
I just want to ask here on forums how can i make a another toy list and only vip can use it. and there should be no cost.
if((dialogid == BUYTOYS) && response) { new stringg[512]; for(new x;x<MAX_PLAYERTOYS;x++) { new name[24]; format(name, sizeof(name), "None"); for(new i;i<sizeof(HoldingObjectsAll);i++) { if(HoldingObjectsAll[i][holdingmodelid] == PlayerToyInfo[playerid][x][ptModelID]) { format(name, sizeof(name), "%s", HoldingObjectsAll[i][holdingmodelname]); } } format(stringg, sizeof(stringg), "%s(%d) %s (Bone: %s)\n", stringg, x, name, HoldingBones[PlayerToyInfo[playerid][x][ptBone]]); } ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, BUYTOYS2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select a Slot", stringg, "Select", "Cancel"); }