23.04.2014, 12:59
Hello.. How to record if(!IsPlayerInArea(playerid, x y z)) cordinates ?
Thx ..
Thx ..
Hello, IsPlayerInArea is used with 4 coordinates
Lower X, Lower Y, Max X, Max Y Код:
_________________ Point 2; | | | This is | | the area that | | you want | | to define! | |________________| Point 1; |
stock IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float: MinX, Float: MinY, Float: MaxX, Float: MaxY)
new Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z;
return GetPlayerPos(playerid, X, Y, Z) && (MinX < X <= MaxX && MinY < Y <= MaxY);
if (IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1070.0337, -1270.5579, 1207.6150, -1158.7721))
// in area
Hello, IsPlayerInArea is used with 4 coordinates
Lower X, Lower Y, Max X, Max Y Код:
_________________ Point 2; | | | This is | | the area that | | you want | | to define! | |________________| Point 1; |
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
if(!IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 1505.077, -1752.921, 1638.176, -1587.116)) return SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "{FF0000}(greska) {FFFFFF} Ne nalazite se u svojoj bazi!");