
Hey guys!

Lately I have been thinking of procedures to make MMO-like missions... But I am trying to think of one which is really efficient. In which you can add missions easily and preferably dynamic.

Do you guys have a missions system? If so, what is your procedure? How did you create it?

I have not really worked with something like this before, but I would think of an event based system. When a MMO-mission is started, it calls the first event which spawns the first enemies or does something else to set up the current objective. When the objective of that event is completed (like killing all the enemies) it goes to the next event until all the events of that mission are completed.

Maybe an idea to do some research on how big MMOs do this stuff?

What are the requirements for the mission?
- Skill.
- Materials. [Vehicles, Weapons, etc.]
- Score.
- Completion of another mission.

How would they start their mission?
- Checkpoint.
- Command.
- Goal.
- NPC interaction.

The Mission:
What are they doing on their mission?
- Killing.
- Stealing.
- Breaking in.
- Delivering.
- Rescuing.
- Racing.
- Much more.

What is the setting?
- Object placement.
- NPC placement.
- Checkpoints.
- Animations.
- etc.

What is their reward?
- Experience.
- Money.
- A perk.
- Score.

Tip: When a player is on a mission, I suggest putting them in a different world, so there's no interruptions from other players (who are not on the same mission).

This is the pattern, now to make it dynamic, use selectable textdraws or dialogs so developers can go into the game and set-up the mission from within the game.
Since you are limited to the amount of data being stored in the script, I suggest using SQLite to help make an endless amount of data.
I've made a system like this and will do it again if you need help.

well right now im working on a mission script but samp npcs suck!! so i have been struggling with that. So far I have 5 difrent level of missions (missions for level one, level 2, level 3, etc) and some of them repeat but gets harder on higher level missions for example:
I have a pickup mission where you need to pickup packages i have a total of 50 random spawns for them but if you play the mission on level one you will only need to pickup 5 and if you play it on level 5 you will need to pickup all 50.
I also have a mission where you need to kill certain amount of players.
when you die you are automatically out of the mission and a textdraw pops out "mission failed" and everything is set to 0.
I have in mind like 2 more missions but without intelligents npcs im out of ideas so all opinions are welcome!!

Thanks for the info guys!

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