17.04.2014, 22:41
Hello to mp.com. How can I integrate and log money on a table. That help me?
[17:28:46] | [RNG]MoonWalk | has banned niGGa.niGGa for 5 days | (Reason: hack-uri)
PHP код:
$ftp_host = ""; //put the ip / hostname to your ftp here
$ftp_user = ""; //put your login here
$ftp_pass = ""; //put your password here
$banfile = "samp03/scriptfiles/LuxAdmin/Logs/BanLog.txt";
$con = ftp_connect($ftp_host) or die("Couldnt connect to your ftp (check your settings!");
ftp_login($con, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass);
ftp_get($con, "BanLog.txt", $banfile, FTP_ASCII);
$file = fopen("BanLog.txt", "r");
$bans = fread($file, filesize("BanLog.txt"));
echo nl2br($bans);