14.04.2014, 12:20
Hello who-ever you are!
This is my vote-kick system ( which i actually 'removed' from my gamemode, and 'converted' it into a filterscript ), but, I did add some explanation comments next to the commands, and fixed some small bugs..
What does it exactly do?
I'm glad you asked!
- For starters, you can /votekick a player.
- You can vote /yes or /no, if the /yes ( svotes ) gets to 5 ( or w.e the MaxV(ote)KICK(limit) is, the target automatically gets kicked.. BUT, if the avotes gets to the MaxV(ote)KICK(limit), then the votes gets cancelled.
- A Level 3 ( or higher ) admin can use /endvotekick (REASON), it will end the vote-kick.
- A Level 4 ( or higher ) admin can use /setvotekicklimit ( 3 - 10 )
- Each time you start a vote-kick, a timer 'sets off', which (approx) after 2 minutes ends the vote, and gives out the results.
- If the person who is being Vote-Kicked leaves, the vote-kick automatically gets cancelled ( You can add a jailing system there too, if needed.. )
What if somebody abuses?!
A level 3+ ( you can change that ) can use /endvotekick (REASON)
What if there's already an admin online!!?
You can't use /votekick if there's an admin online, a message will show up telling him to /report.
What does it need?!?
I used foreach, zCMD, sscanf and Y_INI ( Y_INI for some tests / admin stuff, you can use d_ini, MySQL or w.e.. but then you will need to change some stuff )
I wanna see a video/picture!!1!!!!
Here's a video,
Oh wow, it looks pretty nice(i hope you would say it ;_; ), where can i get it!?!?
Well lucky for you stranger, here's the download link;
( this is my first filterscript, so well, full criticism allowed, tell me if i should remove some stuff or w.e in the next one(s).. that is, if i will have some xD )
This is my vote-kick system ( which i actually 'removed' from my gamemode, and 'converted' it into a filterscript ), but, I did add some explanation comments next to the commands, and fixed some small bugs..
What does it exactly do?
I'm glad you asked!
- For starters, you can /votekick a player.
- You can vote /yes or /no, if the /yes ( svotes ) gets to 5 ( or w.e the MaxV(ote)KICK(limit) is, the target automatically gets kicked.. BUT, if the avotes gets to the MaxV(ote)KICK(limit), then the votes gets cancelled.
- A Level 3 ( or higher ) admin can use /endvotekick (REASON), it will end the vote-kick.
- A Level 4 ( or higher ) admin can use /setvotekicklimit ( 3 - 10 )
- Each time you start a vote-kick, a timer 'sets off', which (approx) after 2 minutes ends the vote, and gives out the results.
- If the person who is being Vote-Kicked leaves, the vote-kick automatically gets cancelled ( You can add a jailing system there too, if needed.. )
What if somebody abuses?!
A level 3+ ( you can change that ) can use /endvotekick (REASON)
What if there's already an admin online!!?
You can't use /votekick if there's an admin online, a message will show up telling him to /report.
What does it need?!?
I used foreach, zCMD, sscanf and Y_INI ( Y_INI for some tests / admin stuff, you can use d_ini, MySQL or w.e.. but then you will need to change some stuff )
I wanna see a video/picture!!1!!!!
Here's a video,
Oh wow, it looks pretty nice(i hope you would say it ;_; ), where can i get it!?!?
Well lucky for you stranger, here's the download link;
( this is my first filterscript, so well, full criticism allowed, tell me if i should remove some stuff or w.e in the next one(s).. that is, if i will have some xD )