I can compile gm , HELP !

After I fixed some bugs in GM, I liked to compliance, you give nothing happens compilation, mention that before going to compile.

SS :
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Open the pawno.exe as administrator

just wait its a big gm and your computer is slow

thats why i hate editing RP's it takes like 1 minute to compile if you made small error like forgot ; or "

If you can compile normally in previous, you should try to undo for check some mistake in your code.

Most likely if it is crashing the compiler, you might have messed some indentation, or a return 1; for example... try going slowly where you last worked on the gm to see all the lines and look for missing brackets and returns... that can cause that, and also if the gm is big takes time to compile, and also use as administrator like Matt mentioned.

It's obvious that there are some brackets missing, try using the brackets finder:


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