04.04.2014, 21:17
I have 4 vehicles in the mysql database. And I want to let them display a dialog box. Now I have the following code:
However, he shows no code. But if I take a 0 everywhere instead of the one he shows only one vehicle.
Here's my remaining code:
I have 4 vehicles in the mysql database. And I want to let them display a dialog box. Now I have the following code:
new string2[200]; for(new i=0;i!=MAX_AUTOHAUS;i++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,3,AutoHaus[i][aX],AutoHaus[i][aY],AutoHaus[i][aZ])) { for(new n = 0; n <sizeof(AutoHausAuto);n++) { if(n == 1) { format(string2,sizeof string2,"%s",CarName[AutoHausAuto[n][aAutoID] - 400]); } else { format(string2,sizeof string2,"%s\n%s",string2,CarName[AutoHausAuto[n][aAutoID] - 400]); } } } } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_AUTOHAUS,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Autohaus",string2,"Weiter","");
Here's my remaining code:
enum AutoHausAA { aAutoID, aaID, aPreis, aBenzin, aBenzinArt, AutoHausID } new AutoHausAuto[MAX_AUTOHAUSAUTO][AutoHausAA];
public LoadAutoHausAutos() { new rows, fields, content[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; cache_get_data(rows, fields); for(new i = 0; i != rows; i++) { cache_get_row(i, 0, content); AutoHausAuto[i][aaID] = strval(content); cache_get_row(i, 1, content); AutoHausAuto[i][aAutoID] = strval(content); cache_get_row(i, 2, content); AutoHausAuto[i][aPreis] = strval(content); cache_get_row(i, 3, content); AutoHausAuto[i][aBenzin] = strval(content); cache_get_row(i, 4, content); AutoHausAuto[i][aBenzinArt] = strval(content); cache_get_row(i, 5, content); AutoHausAuto[i][AutoHausID] = strval(content); } printf("AutoHausAutos: Es wurden %i AutoHausAutos geladen.", rows); //this is in german! return 1; }