enemy health bars

After updating my Windows to 8.1 i stopped seeing enemy health bars. Every server im connecting to has the same problem. My game is clean without any childish mods.
I tried to run the game with compatibility for 7,vista and lower but it didn't help since my game kept crashing on loading screen.

Any solution on dat?

Uninstall samp and reinstall it. Did you try that?

What graphics card do you have also try settings your graphics card to play on max quality not on performance

yes i did try to reinstall the game
speaking of video cards i have regular intel graphics ( 4800 i believe ) and nvidea 635m which i use for fresh games that require higher video memory usage.

i tried to set it to max quality as you said, but nothing changed. Also i tried to run it on 635m but no changes aswell

The problem is that the game isn't supporting directx 11.2
this problem can be fixed by lowering graphics card version but it may cause after closing the game all of your colors will get messed up

My friend from SARP Cesar Bruetti has the same error, however I'm not familiarized with the solution.

I think you should downgrade your Intel card

Dose that Happens with all Sa-mp server?

intel cards are shit, try to use your nvedia only

as i see you can't join to any server right
it happene to me a lot of time
so remove all file gta then install it again
if i help you + Rep me <3

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