settimerex check time left ?

is there a way to check what is the time left when i use this function SetTimerEx ?

Sure, very easy. Use a string.

pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "You still have %d minute(s) before you can collect your weapon.", WepTime[playerid]);
Do something like that.

Make sure you assign your timer to a variable i.e
pawn Код:
WepTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx();
also make it a global variable if you want to use it in other functions.

doesnt it start the timer when i assign it ?so if im right it will start not where i want right ?

You need to assign it where you set it.

how do i make a variable global ?

At the top of your script put something like this:

pawn Код:
new WepTime[MAX_PLAYERS];

Timers do not return the time left when assigning a variable into them.

SetTimerEx especifically returns:
The ID of the timer that was started. Timer IDs start at 0. Timer IDs are never re-used.

I believe Y_Timers haves a function to check the current running time of a timer, otherwise you need to make it a repeating timer that acts sort of like a countdown, or create a new variable that saves the time when the timer was started, then with that you can check later how much time has passed since that.

Oh crap, yeah sorry. Cuerv0 is right, I made a mistake!

What I did was this:

Under a One Minute Timer, I set the WepTime[playerid] to decay 1 every minute, I've recently came back to scripting. I sincerely apologise for giving you wrong information!

By default timers aren't very active, but if you use y_timers or fixes2 or Slice's TimerFix then you can just use GetTickCount().

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