What is better? Y_INI or MYSQL for saving?

I please need your help with this.
Which one is better for saving server stats and why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages.

Both are equal in terms of efficency and depends what kind of flexibility you need for your system.

Y_INI is actually bullet proof and there's barely any way you can screw anything up with it, instead SQL is very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. SQL can be either incredibly fast or incredibly slow depending on how you use it.

SQL does offer major flexibility and I actually use it on all of my recent systems for that reason. Providing you learn SQL queries, I recommend SQL since it has much more options when it comes to data managament and listing (Things such as listing the highest 10 records are not possible (easily) with Y_Ini while it would take one line with SQL)

Also, a little ****** search wouldn't hurt:


Ok thanks

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