samp on a mac

i have downloaded wine and i have also the san andreas from the app store, im trying to install samp on my mac and as long as i remeber he needs the GTA-SA.exe
now, the san andreas is an .app file, so samp cant find the gta-sa.exe.
any other ways to install it?

Not sure but a small search around the forums gave me this read through and try different methods people have suggested.
#3 this method seems good too

I have a MacBook Pro, the best solution for me is to install VMware Fusion with Windows 7.

It will not work at all with the App Store version of San Andreas, you need the Windows version of the game.

You can run SA-MP and the Windows version of the game through wine, but it is a very hacky and complicated setup.

It's probably best to use Boot Camp to install Windows, for SA-MP and any other games you might want to play.

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