0.3x toy system

Hey how do I get the new 0.3x toy system for my 0.3z server what do I need to change ? Because it's hard trying to gues the Z,Y,X positions?

Just re-compile it with 0.3z includes o.o'

No it's not that, I still got the old toy system and I need the new one like instead of guesing the Z,Y and X its the toys not the SCRIPT the Script is on 0.3z but my toy system, I need to update my toy system to the new version instead of guesing it.

Yeah, but you are making me guess what you want.

Could you please pass this system thread?

What's your editing system currently?

Well its a thing where you have to manually enter the coordinates instead of moving them around with the mouse like in NGG or P:LA

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