Chopin bad music?

Why the current molodesh so stupid ? They do not want to acquire new knowledge , they prefer to rob, steal, sell drugs , only 15 percent of my friends get an education and work, with the remaining 85 percent are breaking the law by earning a living.
I'll tell you about one case out of my life , after work I drove up to his house, in the car I played Chopin guys from the yard asked , "Hey nigga, why do you listen to this shit ? You should listen 2pac, B.I.G. , Wu-Tang Clan , you do not should listen to this shit , "If I African American - that does not mean that I like modern music, there is still much beauty in this world. You do not like Chopin ?


Chopin was a great Polish composer, it's classic music, some people don't like that. It's okay if you like different music, they shouldn't judge you and respect your interests. It's like saying oh because I'm black, I have to listen to rap (which is not true). But Haters gonna hate you know

People like what they like and you shouldn't be so judegmental. What other people listen to doesn't affect your life.


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