[Tutorial] To simple check if the player swims

Check if the player swims

Step 1
Make sure to have the a_samp include and those definitions in the top of your script.
PHP Code:
#include <a_samp>
#define PLAYER_SWIM     (1)
#define PLAYER_WALK     (2) 
These definitions are here to replace numbers to make it look badass.

Step 2
Defining varaibles and callbacks.
PHP Code:
new animName[32], animLib[32], Float:playerGPos[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
forward OnPlayerSwim(playeridstatus); 
This will help us further.

Step 3
Checking the status of a player whether is swimming or not, in order to do so you have to use the public OnPlayerUpdate, yet it is not preferable and you sure want to use a timer instead.

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
GetAnimationName(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid), animLibsizeof(animLib), animNamesizeof(animName));
GetPlayerPos(playeridplayerGPos[playerid][0], playerGPos[playerid][1], playerGPos[playerid][2]);
strcmp(animLib"SWIM"false) || playerGPos[playerid][2] <= 1.5)

Explainition of each and every line:
PHP Code:
GetAnimationName(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid), animLibsizeof(animLib), animNamesizeof(animName)); 
It's basically used to reterive the anim libary and name into varaibles so I can make a comparsion.

PHP Code:
GetPlayerPos(playeridplayerGPos[playerid][0], playerGPos[playerid][1], playerGPos[playerid][2]); 
Gets the player position in XYZ coordinates, stores it into 3 Float varaibles.

PHP Code:
if(strcmp(animLib"SWIM"false) || playerGPos[playerid][2] <= 1.5
Compare if the anim libary name is SWIM which is basically called when a player is swimming or is underwater.

PHP Code:
If the player swims or is underwater, it returns the player swim within the OnPlayerSwim callback.

PHP Code:
If the player does not swim, it returns the player walk within the OnPlayerSwim callback.

Step 4
Setting up the OnPlayerSwim callback.

You can use whether switch or elses, it doesn't really matter just a matter of comfort.

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerSwim(playeridstatus)
// SWIM action
// WALK Action

SWIM Action
What will happen to the player that swims, you can use any script code you'd like.

WALK Action
The same thing, just if the player walks.

Dear this isn't really a tutorial. You must explain them line by line.

Originally Posted by GalaxyHostFree
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Dear this isn't really a tutorial. You must explain them line by line.
You're right buddy, I managed to adjust it a little.

Originally Posted by CrazyFrenzy
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You're right buddy, I managed to adjust it a little.
Good job! Now I can learn something from your script. Looking forward to your new tutorials soon!

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