Wierd error?

error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
error 010: invalid function or declaration

I keep getting these errors anyone can fix these?

here's my code
//Random Messages
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "We are hiring faction leaders, you can make application on our webiste-lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "We are hiring helpers, you can make application on our webiste-www.lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "The first one who levels up to level 10 and is a good roleplayer will get Family/Faction leadership !",
	return 1;

What the hell does this "return" do there?

pawn Код:
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "We are hiring faction leaders, you can make application on our webiste-lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "We are hiring helpers, you can make application on our webiste-www.lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "The first one who levels up to level 10 and is a good roleplayer will get Family/Faction leadership !",

I tought it would fix it but it didn't
But now i get these errors:
error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
error 008: must be a constant expression; assumed zero

Post the exact line and 10 lines before and after.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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Post the exact line and 10 lines before and after.
#define TEXT_DRAW_Y_FACTOR  	(0.8) // Font size Y factor (DEFAULT: 0.8) (RECOMENDED NOT TO CHANGE)
new sexprice;
new bizprice;
new houseprice;
new carprice;
new carslot;
new objveh[MAX_VEHICLES][9], bool:opendoor[MAX_VEHICLES];
new walktime[MAX_PLAYERS];
//Random Messages
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "We are hiring faction leaders, you can make application on our webiste-lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "We are hiring helpers, you can make application on our webiste-www.lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "The first one who levels up to level 10 and is a good roleplayer will get Family/Faction leadership !",
//===NEW'S====TAXI JOB//
new Text:taxithisfare[MAX_PLAYERS];
new IsOnFare[MAX_PLAYERS];
new OnDuty[MAX_PLAYERS];
new faretimer[MAX_PLAYERS];

new Float:TotalFare[MAX_PLAYERS];
// 911
new Call911[MAX_PLAYERS];
I got this

And the line that was given those 2 errors was?

By the way, you don't need "," at the last message:
pawn Код:
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "We are hiring faction leaders, you can make application on our webiste-lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "We are hiring helpers, you can make application on our webiste-www.lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "The first one who levels up to level 10 and is a good roleplayer will get Family/Faction leadership !"

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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And the line that was given those 2 errors was?

By the way, you don't need "," at the last message:
pawn Код:
new RandomMSG[][] =
    "We are hiring faction leaders, you can make application on our webiste-lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "We are hiring helpers, you can make application on our webiste-www.lasventuras-roleplay.com",
    "The first one who levels up to level 10 and is a good roleplayer will get Family/Faction leadership !"
You fixed it xD, it works again

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