streamer doesn't work?

I have a problem, I have self-made TDM gamemode from stratch and now, on my local server capture zones work perfectly fine, but on this host(triangle) the zones itself on map do not appear and dynamic checkpoints from streamer do not respond, why is that?

There are no errors in console, everything is created but checkpoints do not respond and zones on map do not appear.
The checkpoints work on local server same with zones, but not on triangle host.

[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Cluckin' Bell(9) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Hospital(8) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Ammu-nation(7) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: LSPD(6) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: LS Planning(5) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Airport(4) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Gas Station(3) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Ammu-nation(2) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: 24/7(1) has been created
[21:47:21] INTERIOR: Training Room(0) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: LV Airport(24) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Castle(23) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Construction site(22) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Shopping Mall(21) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Prickle Pine(20) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Desert Airport(19) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Las Payasadas(18) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Ghost Town(17) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: El Quebrados(16) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Bayside(15) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Las Barrancas(14) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Fort Carson(13) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Fuel Factory(12) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Construction Hole(11) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: LS Docks(10) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: East beach(9) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Glen park(8) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: The pier(7) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Rodeo(6) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Train station(5) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Temple(4) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: LS Airport(3) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: All Saints(2) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: LS City hall(1) has been created
[21:47:21] ZONE: Blueberry(0) has been created
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 431 objects from: Maps/City.txt
[21:47:21] [Vehicles] Loaded 6 vehicles from Maps/NukeCars.txt
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 104 objects from: Maps/Nuke.txt
[21:47:21] [Vehicles] Loaded 30 vehicles from Maps/DRCars.txt
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 133 objects from: Maps/DRBase.txt
[21:47:21] [Vehicles] Loaded 29 vehicles from Maps/DMCars.txt
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 41 objects from: Maps/DMBase.txt
[21:47:21] [Vehicles] Loaded 38 vehicles from Maps/RebelCars.txt
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 78 objects from: Maps/RebelBase.txt
[21:47:21] [Vehicles] Loaded 39 vehicles from Maps/USCars.txt
[21:47:21] [Objects] Loaded 77 objects from: Maps/USBase.txt
How can I solve this?

EDIT: Only zone ID 0 works, which is 'Blueberry', both checkpoint and zone work for it, for other zones on map do not appear and checkpoints do not respond

Well, thanks for showing us your code. Really helpful..

Well I'll send you on PM, but I don't think it's a mistake in script.
It works on my local server but not on triangle host.

You were breaking the loops when you weren't supposed to. You had the 'break' outside any if statement, so the loop would have broken on the very first round, thus resulting in only the first zone being shown.

Did a few small fixes as well to make sure this code functions properly.

Thank you very much
It's fixed.

Can you remove the code from your post please? I don't want ppl to start taking it now ,_,

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