[Tutorial] Creating an include

25th of January, 2017 : I believe this tutorial requires a lot more to be brief over definitions and also requires addition of few more topics. I completely forgot about this thread over the last years and I totally apologise for that. I will be creating another thread regarding include development once I have time. Until then, if necessary, you can read this tutorial and please refer PAWN language's PDF file and SAMP wiki.

Creating an Include

Before starting on, I'm asking the users who doesn't know to create include, after reading this tutorial don't just get on in creating small includes and posting them - which are mainly of small functions. If you're creating functions, feel free to post it on 'Useful Functions' topic or if small snippet, post it on 'Useful Snippets' topic.

Alright, many of the users have been seen includes being created. When I was new towards SA-MP, I used to see includes getting released. I had no idea in how they're like but then realized it's just like normal PAWN codes but just small difference from normal scripts and include scripts.

What are includes?

Includes on PAWN are those which includes codes according to what it's done on that include. Different includes got different modes of working according to what's coded. For example, an anti-cheat include might have many hooked parts where as an include which is a set of functions would be having many functions in it than hooking parts. Though, hooking may come in the set of functions too.

Before creating an include, it's necessary to know how #include directive works. Generally, most of the users include a_samp by just doing #include <a_samp>. Usage : #include <file_name_here>.
This works in a way like the '#include' gets on '/pawno/include/' and finds the file called a_samp.inc . Including part can also be done in other way by using quotes instead of angular brackets which allows you to browse the include packages even outside the pawno folder. It also allows you to include files of different extensions. Here's an example in showing both the including parts.
pawn Code:
//Normal way:
#include <a_samp>
/* How it works? :
Goes to '/pawno/include/'
Gets 'a_samp.inc'

#include <a_samp.inc> //Does the same like above.
#include <a_samp.pwn> //Does the same but fetches for the file called 'a_samp.pwn' instead of a_samp.inc
pawn Code:
//Including using quotes
#include "a_samp" //Does the same as #include <a_samp>

#include "../include/gl_common.inc"
//Instead of going to 'pawno/include', it goes to parent directory and goes to 'include' folder. And then it gets 'gl_common.inc' included.
When it comes to folders, you could include it with folder path. Suppose, inside include folder, you got a folder name myLib and inside that you got your include called mylib.inc . So including it would be:
pawn Code:
#include <myLib/mylib.inc>
tryinclude works just like #include works, however it doesn't give a fatal error in case if the include isn't found. For example, guess that #tryinclude <mystufffffs> is being used where 'mystufffffs.inc' isn't found at '/pawno/include' directory. Instead of giving a fatal error like #include does, it just skips the inclusion part. This isn't suggested in case if you're trying it to get included for basic functions.

For more about including, you could read the documentation of keyword either on SA-MP wiki or on pawn documentation file.
Starting On

•Collision #1 : Accidental double including
The first step in creating an include is to avoid it colliding in case if it's included twice by an accident or if it's being used on other includes or scripts. The basic step is to check if a part is defined or not, if it's defined (the defined symbol should be something like 'KEY' of your include) then it's inclusion part should be aborted assuming that it's already included. And then after closing the checking part, that symbol which has been used for checking has to be defined or else colliding would occur if included twice.

Oh and that's script-wise, before doing that, make sure that you've created the include on '/pawno/include' directory or the place where you want it to be.
pawn Code:
//I'll be checking if myinclude's define has been done already
#if defined _included_myfirstincludestuff
 //If, '_included_myfirstincludestuff' has been defined already. If so:
    //Using '#endinput' breaks the inclusion progress of THIS include only. It's a PAWN directive which doesn't harm other includes.
//Ending the 'If' statement which was started.

//Now the key which has been checked as if it's defined or not has to be defined before anything.
#define _included_myfirstincludestuff
//Now your include KEY define has been defined!
Using this method, it's possible to break MAIN colliding parts. However, there are other ways in which there could occur colliding with other scripts. Now, if your script is using some functions from other include or generally a_samp, you could use #tryinclude to get it included than #include so that it doesn't give a fatal error.
pawn Code:
#if defined _included_myfirstincludestuff

#define _included_myfirstincludestuff
#tryinclude <a_samp>
• Collision #2 : Variable/Array declaration.
The other way in collision occurring between the include created and scripts are due to variable/arrays. Suppose that a variable called "myvar" is being declared in such a way like new myvar; . And in case if the same variable is being used on your scripts, it would pop up errors in regarding this symbol being declared already. Secondly, arrays could also be a major problem. Suppose there's an array called "string" with size 128 declared on the incude in such a way like new string[128]; , that would give errors in case if it's declared once more with different or equal sizes.

Avoiding that is pretty simple, either it has to be used of with tags like "myLIB_myvar;", "myLIB_string[128]" or using static variables/arrays. While using static variables or arrays, it works in a way that the variable is being used on the 'include' part. When it's being included in other scripts and if the var/array is present on other scripts too, it wouldn't give errors as it's isn't really a global var/array declared. It was static. Here's an example in regarding it:
pawn Code:
#if defined _included_myfirstinclude

#define _included_myfirstinclude


//Those tag was used to just clarify that things won't collide later.

if(LIB_myvar == 5) format(LIB_mystring, sizeof(LIB_mystring), "Creating an Include - Tutorial");
You can also use some sort of symbols on your variables to avoid collision such as "LIBTAG_myVar_@_;", "LIBTAG_myArray_@_[128];", but make sure that it don't get you confused later while writing the whole incude.
• Collision #3 : Callbacks
Suppose that "OnPlayerConnect" is being used on the include and the include file is being included in a gamemode where OnPlayerConnect is being used. This would give error because a callback couldn't be used twice without getting hooked. 'Hooking' is done to ensure that the rest usage of the same callback would perform what's included internally and also allows the user to perform their own functions within the callback.

pawn Code:
#if defined _included_myfirstinclude

#define _included_myfirstinclude


public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    LIB_myvar = playerid;
    GetPlayerName(playerid, LIB_pName, sizeof(LIB_pName));
    return 1;
Now on my gamemode:
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <myinclude>

main() {}

public OnGameModeInit()
    printf("my awzum gamemode loaded");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    //This would give an error because this callback has been already delcared on 'myinclude.inc' and hasn't been hooked!
    return 1;
• Hooking

As already mentioned, hooking is done to ensure that the call is being done internally from our include as well as the functions performed my the user under that callback. The current hooking method being used mostly is the Hook Method 7 which uses '_ALS_' prefix. Many users might have been thinking why _ALS_ prefix is being used. Well, it's being used to avoid collision with other libraries as they also using hooking method. _ALS_ being a global prefix ensures that things are going right and doesn't create collision between the include being created and other libraries if being used.

Hooking, using _ALS_ prefix is done in a way that it passes other callback which will later be the same callback under which we're performing this. To be clear, if OnPlayerSpawn is being taken, the other call would probably be 'myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn' which later would perform the same as OnPlayerSpawn does on the scripts being used.

pawn Code:
#if defined _included_myinclude

#define _included_myinclude


public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    myLIB_myvar = playerid;
    GetPlayerName(playerid, myLIB_lastpspawned, sizeof(myLIB_lastpspawned));
    //Now, the bypass of this same call should be done. It can also be done using 'CallLocalFunction',
    //however comparing to it's performance, hook method 7 is alot better.
    //Before hooking, we're just checking if our call has been defined already.
    #if defined myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn
    //If yes.
    return myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); //It returns the callback to 'myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn' callback.
    //If not.
    return 1; //The call is being stopped here and returns 1.
    //Ends the if-statement started.
Now, it's time to get 'myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn' to be also called as 'OnPlayerSpawn'. Which means, we're going to define OnPlayerSpawn as 'myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn' so as if other scripts are using 'OnPlayerSpawn', it means that they're actually using 'myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn' if the include is included.

pawn Code:
//Before defining, we're using the _ALS_ method to check and undefine this callback before defining.
//So it ensures that the previous calls won't fail.
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn //If _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn is defined.
    #undef OnPlayerSpawn //If yes, it undefines OnPlayerSpawn
#else //If not
    #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn //It defines _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn so it gets functioned.
#endif //Closing the if-statement which has been created.
//Now OnPlayerSpawn is undefined.
#define OnPlayerSpawn myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn //OnPlayerSpawn now becomes myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn.

//Now forward myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn or it would give warns as it lacks forwarding.
#if defined myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn //Checking if it's defined.
//If yes.
forward myLIB_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); //It forwards the callback.
#endif //Closing the if-statement we started.
And then, the problem with collision of callbacks are solved. In this way, the prevention of callback collision can be solved! I haven't explained much about hooking in this tutorial, so if you're new to hooking, or if the above step didn't sort things out well for you, please have a look on the Hook method 7 created by Y_Less and a small explanation regarding the normal hooking method by myself.

Hood Method 7 - by Y_Less
How to hook Callbacks & Functions (Normal Hook method) - By Lordz (myself)
Getting the include user-friendly #1 : Indentation
Includes have to be always friendly, their use most commonly. Because if the include gives warns or errors, it wouldn't have a positive feedback from others. Also, the indentation of the include has to be fixed even if the indentation style is hard to read by users. What it's really meant is in avoiding the usage of "#pragma tabsize" inside the include. It would just get other's script to avoid warnings if their indentation has to be fixed.

In cases if tabsize is set to 0, don't forget to get it on tabsize 4 (SA-MP default tabsize) at the end of the include. But that also wouldn't be convenient in case if the user is using any other tabsize values.
Getting the include user-friendly #2 : Cell size
Most of the users are generally declaring variables or arrays which are considered to be as a string of size 256. This isn't right in case if 256 cells aren't actually required. If your include is using #pragma dynamic , it's not a good usage in my view. Includes must be always friendly and should be easier to use. Using of dynamic directive would get the AMX's size bigger in case if you're using higher value of cells on arrays. If you're not good in determining the cell size well, I suggest you to use rBits or y_iterate.

If you're confused about what I've actually meant, here's a message which was conveyed to Misuir: (About #pragma dynamic)

Yes, it doesn't change the cell size. It just allows you to get your script compiled with arrays of larger cells. It won't be giving any stack size warning or message in case if higher cells are used under a callback and compiled.

Getting the include user-friendly #3 : Easy settings
If the include got some sort of setting to be done, make it easier. Also in a way that the user won't forget what has to be done. You can use the #error directive to make it possible in such a way that the symbol MY_VALUE has to be declared by the user before including. However if it's not defined, it would give a user-error in reminding to define it.

And here's an example:
pawn Code:
#if defined _included_myinclude

#define _included_myinclude

#if !defined MY_VALUE
    //if MY_VALUE is not defined.
    #error Please make sure that MY_VALUE is defined before including myinclude.inc

//And somewhere..
for(new i; i< MY_VALUE; i++) ///....
//Assuming that 'MY_VALUE' is being used for something.
My gamemode:
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <myinclude>
Now, this would just give a fatal error or an error done by the user in regarding the MY_VALUE message. This can be fixed by defining MY_VALUE.

pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#define MY_VALUE 1
#include <myinclude>
In this way, the settings could be done rather than editing the include each time for different uses.
Getting the include user-friendly #4 : Performance (in-game and while compiling)
When the size of the array becomes higher, the performance would get reduced. That's why I've suggested in keeping the cell size as the ones which are required. Useless variables/arrays should be removed as it isn't useful at all. And about performance in-game - It's in looking how complex your codes are. You might be using 5 steps for checking something where as it would be done quicker using just 1 step. This actually happens to most of them. You've to just spend some time in thinking what all steps could be done in what you're actually doing.

Secondly, in some cases, for example if you're trying create a simple textdraw message to all. Rather than creating many textdraws, you could just create 1 single textdraw and set it's string when required. I've once created 100 textdraws for messaging and then realized it could be done with just a single one easily and more quickly!
Getting the include user-friendly #5 : Fake natives / Support in Syntax highlighting
Suppose if you're creating an include with some functions which got alot of parameters, the function being highlighted when a bracket is being opened would be really helpful for the users. This can be done by creating fake natives. pawno.exe looks for the part of code which begins with 'native' and adds it into the native list. By this, it also supports in highlighting the parameters when the brackets of the function are being opened. To create a fake native, it's pretty simple.

pawn Code:
//I may have some function called 'Addint' and 'Subint' which adds and subtracts.
stock Addint(num1, num2)
 return num1+num2; //Returns the sum of first number and second number.

stock Subint(num1, num2)
 return num1-num2; //Does the same but here it subtracts.
Now these functions just got 2 parameters, however I'm going to show in creating fake natives.
pawn Code:
native Addint(num1, num2);
native Subint(num1, num2);
The compiler would consider this as a native created and will be adding to native list. It will also highlight the parameters when your code either reaches "AddInt(" or "SubInt(" - When the brackets are being opened.
Creating functions with tags
Creating tags for functions would just make the look better and also the handling of them would be better than normal ones. In case if there's parameter called "worldid, playerid" in a function and if the user assumes first parameter to be playerid, that would create problems then later. Tags - here what I've meant is in adding tags to the variable/array required.

pawn Code:
stock myTAG:CreateMyObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
 new myTag:ID = CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
 return myTAG:ID; //Returns the result with tag.

//Now using it would be like

new myTAG:something;
myTAG:something = CreateMyObject(123, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0);

//Creating functions which requires the tagged variable/array

new myTAG:res[100];

stock GetTaggedResult(myTAG:id)
 return myTAG:res[_:id];
Why a "_:" has been used before id is to prevent tag-mismatch warning. Using that would get the compiler to assume that a tag is present before the parameter called "id".
Creating Callbacks
To create callback, a simple function called CallLocalFunction can be used to get them called under the circumstance you require. Using the above functions, we can try an example. Before the example, here's the parameter of CallLocalFunction.

CallLocalFunction(function[], specifiers[], {Float,_}:...);
function[] - stands for the callback which is going to get called.
specifiers[] - stands for the specifiers according to the next parameter.
%i or %d - stands for integer.
%s - for string.
%f - for float.
%x - for hex.
%c - for character.
And for more : https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/format

The last parameter stands for the data to get called. Check WIKI SA-MP for further information in regarding it.

pawn Code:
stock myTAG:CreateMyObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z)
 new myTag:ID = CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200.0);
 //Let's get the call to be done.
 CallLocalFunction("OnObjectGetCreated", "i", myTAG:id); //This is called when the object is created.
 return myTAG:ID; //Returns the result with tag.

//Forward the callback, while forwarding, the parameters mentioned here are then used as the same on public.
forward OnObjectGetCreated(myTAG:objectid);
public OnObjectGetCreated(myTAG:objectid)
 return 1;

//In case if you're not using tags, you could just simply remove the tags.
And well, that's it with the tutorial for now. I may update it in case if necessary. Questions and anything relating to this tutorial can be posted here rather than spamming my inbox. Before ending of, here's some links that would be useful in creating includes.

Important topics to be viewed
PAWN Pre-Processor - By Y_Less
Improving your coding habits - By Emmet_
Tips & Tricks - By Slice
Code Optimization - By Y_Less
Oh and
SA-MP Wiki


Awesomeeee Man.

"This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 70 seconds."

Good job on the tutorial Lordz. I'm pretty sure that It'll help many people .

Awsome buddy

It's funny how you linked Y_Less's thread, but explained something completely diffrent.
1. Include guards are already built-in
2. #include <a/b> should be #include <a\b>
3. In case you have #include <b> and #include <a\b> you might have to get rid of default include guards and substiture them with your implementation
4. #pragma dynamic doesn't change cell size. Cell is always 4 bytes on 32 bit builds

Originally Posted by Misiur
View Post
It's funny how you linked Y_Less's thread, but explained something completely diffrent.
1. Include guards are already built-in
2. #include <a/b> should be #include <a\b>
3. In case you have #include <b> and #include <a\b> you might have to get rid of default include guards and substiture them with your implementation
4. #pragma dynamic doesn't change cell size. Cell is always 4 bytes on 32 bit builds
That thread was linked for some basic facts which can be used while creating an include and I don't see anything wrong with it.
About include-guards : If we're including the same file twice, it's true that there won't be any errors/warns. However, it's required in case if other versions of that include is being done and we're naming it anything else. Some releases are there which mostly uses the same part of code but just the include name is renamed.

About the second one, I was also confused for a while in choosing what should be. I've done some tests and it seems like both character usage works fine. If there's something wrong with it, please let me know. An example would be fine.

Third one - I did some test right now, but it seems like things are alright but got chances to have collision as you've told. In such case, I believe it's better for the user to rename the file.

Fourth - Yes, it doesn't change the cell size. It just allows you to get your script compiled with arrays of larger cells. It won't be giving any stack size warning or message in case if higher cells are used under a callback and compiled. I've given this reply on the tutorial also, now.

There was supposed to be a rant, but whatever. Reread the Y_Less thread, especially "Other Directives", section "#include". Include guards are created automatically, there is no reason to create your own. You can't include the same file using diffrent name. End of story. Unless you use the wrong directory separator - you guessed it - "/" instead of "\".

I find it quite ironic how you reference to the manual, yet don't use any information set forth therein.

#include filename or <filename>
Inserts the contents of the specified file at the current position within
the current file. A filename between angle brackets (“<” and “>”)
refers to a system file; the pawn parser (compiler or interpreter) will
search for such files only in a pre-set list of directories and not in the
“current” directory. Filenames that are unquoted or that appear in
double quotes are normal include files, for which a pawn parser will
look in the current directory first.
The pawn parser first attempts to open the file with the specified
name. If that fails, it tries appending the extensions “.inc”, “.p”
and “.pawn” to the filename (in that order). The proposed default
extension of include files is “.inc”.
When the file can be opened successfully, the #include directive
defines a constant with the name “_inc_” plus the base name of
the file (the filename without path and extension) and the value 1.
If the constant already exists, the #include directive skips opening
and including the file, thus preventing a double inclusion. To force
a double include, remove the constant definition with the #undef
directive before the second inclusion of the file.


Originally Posted by Misiur
View Post
Include guards are created automatically, there is no reason to create your own. You can't include the same file using diffrent name. End of story..
pawn Code:
//Without include guards:
new mystuff;
forward something();
pawn Code:
//without include guards.
new mystuff;
new additional_mystuff;
forward something();
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <myinclude>
#include <stuffs.inc>
I tested this and it had an error and here's it:
error 021: symbol already defined: "mystuff"
Couldn't an include use some sort of global variables? And what in case if the same file is being done with other name? Without our own include-guard, couldn't it output errors?

@Vince - Thanks for the information. I haven't read the PAWN implementation guide yet, I'll be looking forward to read out it soon.

Great tutorial, easy to understand.

I think I know less about what an include is now after reading your "what is an include" section. It seemed like it just said "an include is code that is included to do what the code does", but in a rambling and confusing manner.

Also, the part on "Collision 1" is wrong - the compiler already checks for multiple inclusions automatically, the only time you need that is if you are using a custom compiler with that feature removed. The include guards in the original SA:MP includes are superfluous. Your example later on with two colliding globals is not the same issue at all and includes guards won't solve it - for that you need "static" globals (or at least a better naming scheme).

IMHO you have the user friendly include bits backwards - the indentation and cell size (or not, as Misiur pointed out) are not user considerations so should at best be footnotes, not primary points. Users of a library care about the API allowing them to quickly achieve some end, and performance, not what size arrays you used. That is an implementation detail and shouldn't concern them at all. Yes, making arrays small is important, but not for users. Speaking of which, despite mentioning indentation, you don't.

I also can't believe you didn't explain "stock" or "static" anywhere - those are two very important keywords for writing libraries.


Originally Posted by ColeMiner
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I think I know less about what an include is now after reading your "what is an include" section. It seemed like it just said "an include is code that is included to do what the code does", but in a rambling and confusing manner.

Also, the part on "Collision 1" is wrong - the compiler already checks for multiple inclusions automatically, the only time you need that is if you are using a custom compiler with that feature removed. The include guards in the original SA:MP includes are superfluous. Your example later on with two colliding globals is not the same issue at all and includes guards won't solve it - for that you need "static" globals (or at least a better naming scheme).

IMHO you have the user friendly include bits backwards - the indentation and cell size (or not, as Misiur pointed out) are not user considerations so should at best be footnotes, not primary points. Users of a library care about the API allowing them to quickly achieve some end, and performance, not what size arrays you used. That is an implementation detail and shouldn't concern them at all. Yes, making arrays small is important, but not for users. Speaking of which, despite mentioning indentation, you don't.

I also can't believe you didn't explain "stock" or "static" anywhere - those are two very important keywords for writing libraries.
The tutorial was meant in the creation of an include, quicker and easier. So, the introduction given about include was to be short. I'll be updating the whole tutorial soon enough though.

About the include guards - I was wrong about declaring variables, I always believed that static variables, when used on a function couldn't be used on other scripts. Well, I was wrong. But, what about natives and "stock" functions? Right now, I tried this :


pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <somestuffs>
#include <somestuffs2>
 printf("%d", GetmyStuff());
pawn Код:
stock GetmyStuff() return myStuff;

native somestuffs();

pawn Код:
stock GetmyStuff() return myStuff;

native somestuffs();
Now, when I compiled the mainstuff.pwn, it gives me ERRORS in regarding it. So, what I was talking about is when an include gets updated and the coder accidentally includes them both on the same script.

And last, about the explanation of "statics" and "stocks", I'll be writing them soon enough.

Finally something that i wanted
Nice work

great work...
Understood how to make an include now!

I did not know very well how to use hooks, now yes. thank you very much!

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