23.02.2014, 12:48
Hey guys, i have tried to fix these errors by myself but couldn't after trying very hard so i came here.
Can someone please help me to fix these stuffs?
And this is the dialog process
And the errors i get:
Sorry to post the long thread.
PS: I have made an admin commands list in the same process and its working fine.
Can someone please help me to fix these stuffs?
pawn Код:
new ACmdTopics[][50] =
{"General Commands"},
{"General Commands 2"},
{"Convoy Commands"},
{"House/Business Commands"}
enum TCmdItem
new ACmdText[][TCmdItem] =
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/w - Wishper talk"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/me - Show your action"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/slimit - To see the speedlimits"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/tlon - Turn Trailer's lights ON"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/tloff - Turn Trailer's lights OFF"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/sync - Syncromize yourself"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/myrank - View your current Trucker Rank"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/afk - Go Away From Keyboard"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/back - Back from being Away From Keyboard"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/pm - Send a Private Message to other player"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/cp - Change your password"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/classhelp - View the help list for each classes"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/report - Report other player to online admins"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/vips - Display the online VIP players"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/po - Give a Pull-Over warning to the player as a cop"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/fine - Fine a wanted player as a cop"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/backup - Ask for a backup as a cop"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FFFFFF}/spike - Place a spikestrip as a cop"},
{CmdIDGeneral, "{FF0000}See General Commands 2 to see other commands"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/ranks - View the list of all the Trucker Ranks"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/rules - View the server rules"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/r - Talk on a radio with the players of your class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/givemoney - Give your money to other players"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/assist - Call for an assistance to repair your vehicle"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/stats - View all of your statistics"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/admins - Display the online administrators"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/l - Turn your vehicle's lights ON"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/loff - Turn your vehicle's lights OFF"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/engine - Turn on your vehicle's engine"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/fuelup - Refuel your vehicle at the nearest gas station"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/switchdepot[/sd] - Select another Depot of your class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/work - Take a work as a trucker class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/takeflight - Take a flight as a pilot class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/stopwork - Stop the work of any class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/switchsclass[/sc] - Change your class"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/flip - Flip your vehicle"},
{CmdIDGeneral2, "{FFFFFF}/detach - Detach the trailer from your truck"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoy - Create or join the convoy"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoykick - Kick a player from your convoy"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoymembers - View the list of the convoy members"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoyleave - Leave the convoy that you have joined"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoycancel - Cancel your convoy"},
{CmdIDConvoy, "{FFFFFF}/convoyhelp - See the information of the convoy"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/buyhouse - Buy nearest available house"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/buybus - Buy nearest available business"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/enter - Enter in your house or business"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/gohome - Teleport yourself to your houses"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/Gobus - Teleport yourself to your businesses"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/getcar - Spawn the vehicle that you have bought"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/park - Park your vehicle near your house"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/housemenu - Display the menu for your house"},
{CmdIDHouseBus, "{FFFFFF}/busmenu - Display the menu for your business"}
pawn Код:
new CmdList[1000], DialogTitle[128];
format(DialogTitle, 128, "Server Commands");
for (new i; i < sizeof(ACmdTopics); i++)
format(CmdList, 1000, "%s%s\n", CmdList, ACmdTopics[i]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogCmdItemChosen, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, DialogTitle, CmdList, "Select", "Cancel");
return 1;
pawn Код:
Dialog_CmdItemChosen(playerid, response, listitem)
if(!response) return 1;
new DialogTitle[128];
format(DialogMsg5000, 5000, "");
format(DialogTitle, 128, ACmdTopics[listitem]);
for (new i; i < sizeof(ACmdText); i++)
if (ACmdText[i][CmdID] == listitem)
format(DialogMsg5000, 5000, "%s%s\n", DialogMsg5000, ACmdText[i][CmdText]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogCmdItem, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, DialogTitle, DialogMsg5000, "Back", "Cancel");
return 1;
Dialog_CmdItem(playerid, response)
if(!response) return 1;
return 1;
pawn Код:
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\pawno\include\PPC_Defines.inc(1040) : error 017: undefined symbol "CmdIDGeneral"
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\pawno\include\PPC_Defines.inc(1060) : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\pawno\include\PPC_Defines.inc(1080) : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\pawno\include\PPC_Defines.inc(1087) : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\pawno\include\PPC_Defines.inc(1096) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Users\bijay\Desktop\xDDD\gamemodes\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1607) : warning 203: symbol is never used: ""
PS: I have made an admin commands list in the same process and its working fine.