0.3x textdraw model preview

I was looking for something like this

except, i was wondering if anyone had the same thing, but with the option to name every model, I want to use this for a dealership system, and i'm really too lazy to do it manually!

Anyone? :3

I don't believe I've seen one with the naming ability you're looking for. Looks like you'll have to make one! Or, if you want, you could probably make a workaround... just make it so when they click an object it shows them a client message with additional information. If they click it again, then do what you wanna' do. Otherwise, they can click something else. Not sure if that would work for you or not, but it's easier than making the TD yourself if you don't have lots of experience doing that!

No there is one but the only one i know that has it is -CaRRot so contact him its released but i dont know where to find it

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