Bug bodypart with skin modded


I explain here why i think we need a solution for skin modded, i know mod is not supported by SAMP but on 2014 how we can say "go delete all your skin"? Lot of player use skin and SAMP is still loved because we can mod us GTA i think, an solution is possible please?

And if Kalcor can look for this cheat please: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=220089&page=26

UP please, no solution for this problem? This system is good for detect bodypart but the problem it's the skin modded, how can you resolve this problem?

More function for detect skin cheated? System lag compensation increase for the skin modded (take the pos at the skin actual of player not the skin GTA SA)

it's not really a bug, you shoot someone in the head OnPlayerGiveDamage is going to say you shot them in the head
you miss someones head on their client they'll say you missed their head

if you have multiple players all saying that they are shooting player X but the player X isn't reporting any shots then something is wrong

Yes but example

- if you use OnPlayerGiveDamage, if the player use a BIG HEAD for other player it's very easy for him to doing the damage on the head on other players.

- If you use OnPlayerTakeDamage, if the player use a skin (not for hack) and if this skin is smaller than the skin original or is smaller than skin to "Killerid" (if the player just want mod their GTA and not for cheat) it is a problem i think

Because lot of player use a skin modded on SAMP not for hack, if we want play without problem we needed to play without skin modded but how i can say to my player "remove all your skin for my server", They spent much time for modd their GTA

"john, has he been hit?"
"hm, not to my knowledge..",

that's essentially whats happening.. you'll need admins and a brain to detect this. cessil's response was right on.

Admins it's not a problem, i said for 2 system and for 2 problem on PlayerGiveDamage and OnPlayerTakeDamage.

More function or other for detect the size of skin or bodypart necessary for me, and Ada32 with OnPlayerGiveDamage if you hit the head even if the player who take the damage don't see the bullet on his head he take the damage it's the reason why i said

Originally Posted by Kyra
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- if you use OnPlayerGiveDamage, if the player use a BIG HEAD for other player it's very easy for him to doing the damage on the head on other players.

- If you use OnPlayerTakeDamage, if the player use a skin (not for hack) and if this skin is smaller than the skin original or is smaller than skin to "Killerid" (if the player just want mod their GTA and not for cheat) it is a problem i think

Because lot of player use a skin modded on SAMP not for hack, if we want play without problem we needed to play without skin modded but how i can say to my player "remove all your skin for my server", They spent much time for modd their GTA

Originally Posted by Kyra
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i know mod is not supported by SAMP but...
That right there is your problem. Mods are not supported, you are having an issue with mods. There is no "but".

I thought hitboxes couldn't be changed? if this isnt the case I hope you will change this.
It's starting to be more and more demands on the server admins rather than patching things, already tons of aimbotters and is there even a way to prevent them effectively?

Bodyparts cant be changed because they are default gta skins. Using modded skins wont do anything.

Originally Posted by GreenSt4lker
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Bodyparts cant be changed because they are default gta skins. Using modded skins wont do anything.

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