Help please[mysql]

So Im trying to create in game house creator system and i did this is my script for that:

CMD:nvelikakuca2(playerid, params[])
if(PI[playerid][Admin] =< 1337) return SCM(playerid, CRVENA, "CoC Security | Nemate autorizaciju za koristenje ove naredbe!");
//new id;
new id = SpawnedHouses+1;
new vw = random(2000);
new Float:ulazx, Float:ulazy, Float:ulazz, Float:ulaza;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, ulazx, ulazy, ulazz);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ulaza);
//if(sscanf(params, "d", id))return SCM(playerid,-1,"ID stavi -.-"); //`Telefon`,");

format(iString, 2100, "INSERT INTO `Kuce` (`ID`, `ImaVlasnika`, `Vlasnik`, `Vrsta`, `UlazX`, `UlazY`, `UlazZ`, `UlazA`, `IzlazX`, `IzlazY`, `IzlazZ`, `IzlazA`, `HCX`, `HCY`, `HCZ`, `HCA`, `BrojSoba`, `DostupnoZaRent`, \
`RentCena`, `hDroga`, `Oruzje1`, `Municija1`, `Oruzje2`, `Municija2`, `Oruzje3`, `Municija3`,");

format(iString, 2100, "%s `tTorba`, `tDroga`, `tPizza`, `tSok`, `tHotdog`, `tZice`, `tKanister`, `tSemena`, \
`tKoka`, `tGDOruzje`, `tGDProdaja`, `tGPS`, `tUze`, `HCModel`, `HCBoja1`, `HCBoja2`, `Zakljucano`, `Cena`, `Enterijer`, `Adresa`, `VW`, `kNivo`, `kHeal`, `kSef`, `kAlarm`) VALUES", iString);

format(iString, 2100, "%s ('%d', '0', 'Niko', 'Velika Kuca', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '235.508994', '1189.169897', '1080.339966', '0', '9999', '9999', '0', '0', '8', '0', '-1', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1',",iString,id, ulazx, ulazy, ulazz, ulaza);

format(iString, 2100, "%s '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '1', '80000', '3', 'Commerce %d', '%d', '8', '0', '0', '0')", iString, id, vw);
format(CmdString, sizeof(CmdString), "Kuca ID: %d | Uspjesno Postavljena!", id);
SCM(playerid, PLAVA, CmdString);
AddStaticPickup(1273, 1, ulazx, ulazy, ulazz);
return 1;

These up are the things placed in the house but when I try my command I get pickup and nothing else after gmx there is not even a pickup and house does not create itself in database any help?

**Also if anyone could help me with conecting my database with my mod. Im hosting mod and what should i do to connect hosted mod with database**

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