Vehicle respawn bug after alt tab

IDK that this bug was reported or not, but this really should be fixed.

When I drive with car, I go to afk for 1-2minutes and go back, then my car willl respawn where it spawned. This bug are reported by lot of players on my server and I also saw this in others servers too. This must be fixed, and "very good" for RP...

maybe it's a script problem. Never happended to me.

Never happened to me... This must be an issue with your script.

Was it spawned in with CreateVehicle?
Take this example... Notice, the "60" at the end. This indicates the vehicles respawn time. Perhaps, the vehicle had a reset time of around 1-2 minutes? Just a theory, though... I may be wrong...
CreateVehicle(520, 2109.1763, 1503.0453, 32.2887, 82.2873, 0, 1, 60);

Which function you use to create cars? AddStaticVehicle or CreateVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx and do you use -1 as respawn time, and are you sitting in the car when it happens or just next to it?

I had the same issue before I thought its somekind of a SA-MP bug then realized.


CreateVehicle(520, 2109.1763, 1503.0453, 32.2887, 82.2873, 0, 1, 30);


CreateVehicle/AddStaticVehicleEx with -1 and with 99999 seems doesn't work.

Print after all instances of DestroyVehicle in your script, to help you determine whether it's a script bug and to try refine what line(s) of code are causing the problem.

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