.cfg (+rep)

Hi scripterzzzz.I have ownership and when i put car on a cars.cfg (avtomobili.cfg - in my language)
pawn Код:
that is on .cfg file and when i start server and i have now 1 car on log typing 600 cars ... :@:@ and server lagging and when i get any command (ex. /lockcar) and car is OnPropUpdate(0, car); and KolaUpdate(car);

KolaUpdate is to save in .cfg, OnPropUpdate is to save to file becouse i have tunesetup and etc ... and when car update with theese functions (OnPropUpdate and KolaUpdate) in .cfg file shows 10000000 cars Pic: http://prntscr.com/2oh0iv how to fix it ? please !!

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